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Distinguished Civilian
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About Francoeur

  • Birthday 05/20/1964

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  • Location
    Aurora, Colorado

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Forum Pupil

Forum Pupil (12/91)



  1. I played the alpha of H1Z1 at SOE live and I can tell you it rocks. Well worth the time and effort to get it. I loved it and couldn't wait to get alpha access. Been Jones'ing for it since August.
  2. I play with all the icons off and only the standard uniforms. No over head icons, no names, nothing. I try to get it as close to hardcore/street as possible. I love the German sniper scope. I've learned to use it and have come to like it. I used to have different uniforms for the models but nothing none WW II themed. I've heard some play with red and green glowing models, modern uniforms, modern scopes, red dot scopes, etc.
  3. I believe there was a short series run in comics were Batman and Superman went at it. Batman won. He used his superior intellect to figure out Superman's weakness and exploited it. Super ain't the sharpest marble in the bag, nor does he have to be: He's nearly invincible, doesn't need to breath, even in space. Talk about a boring super hero. Besides all of this, he has pincers on his penis. Nuff said. I even think Sean Connery could take Superman. Lift his kilt and send Superman to his knees in awe. Watch out Superman, there's a tea baggin coming.
  4. Ok guys. I know there have been times you've asked what I've acted in. Well here's a short film Named "June." Yes I'm the father in this video. So I've put it out there.
  5. Name:Nigga Wit a Trigga Steam I.D:steam_0:1:79263961 Duration of Ban: Reasons for the Ban:Asked to change his name twice and his response was "Suck my dick" Demo Provided?:N Y/N Comments:
  6. Welcome back old friend :)

  7. All I do is come on the server for a little DODS and I get mauled by requests to rejoin the unit. It's nice to be wanted for sure, but I never thought I'd get such a big response. Besides, any unit that would accept me as a member, I don't want to belong to. j/k Skip
  8. I'd like to ask you guys a huge favor. Please tell as many people as possible about this demo. My Acting Demo I'd like to see if we can make it viral. Might help me get some attention. Thanks a ton guys. Skip
  9. New link guys sorry. Skip Francoeur's Acting Reel Skip
  10. Here's a link to my acting demo reel. Skip Francoeur's Acting Demo Reel Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks guys.
  11. Updated pic
  12. I'm all over that
  13. ENFP = Champion Champions are introspective, cooperative, informative, and expressive. Champions have a strong desire to make their thoughts known to the world. When Champions speak or write, they are often hoping to use their convictions to motivate others to participate in advocacy or they hope to reveal a hidden truth about the human experience. Champions are greatly concerned with ethics and justice and have a strong desire to speak about current issues and events. They are the most inspiring and animated of the role variants. Champions are very individualistic and they feel a need to experience significant social events. Champions consider intense emotional experiences to be vital to life and view the world as a drama. They are constantly seeking to learn about everything that has to do with advancement of good and the retreat of evil in the world. Champions are keen observers of the people around them. They have exceptional intuitive abilities and are capable of intensely concentrating on a particular individual. Champions are often able to read hidden emotions and to place significance on the actions of others. Champions are constantly scanning their social environment and intriguing characters are not likely to escape their attention. Their attention is usually active rather than passive. Champions are sensitive and alert to what is possible. Champions are warm, energetic, spontaneous, positive, exuberant and dramatic. Other individuals usually find these personality qualities to be attractive and often want to be in the company of Champions. Champions usually have good people skills and get along well with their colleagues. Champions are slow to excitement but quick to become enthusiastic; especially in regards to social or humanitarian causes. Many champions project their intuitive and perceptive abilities out into the world and are constantly wondering about future possibilities that can improve themselves, others, or situations. This can get champions into trouble if they do not express this to others correctly; or if others or groups take suggestions from champions as criticism or as the champion telling them what to do, instead of viewing it as the offering of an idea. This can confuse champions who have not yet realized that some people do not like change, or that some people can perceive this offering of advice in regards to change as the identification of a defect. This is because champions who are not at odds with themselves typically like to improve upon themselves and their situations as new information becomes available. Is anyone surprised?
  14. Hey guys, Just wanted to drop you all a quick post and let you know what I'm up to. Still in film school and currently taking Web Design with Dreamweaver and Flash Motion Graphics. As far as acting: Last week I had three auditions and booked all three parts I auditioned for. Market owner in "Route 7" by Avenstar Productions Investigator in "Beyond" a movie trailer by Keep It Moving Productions (Movie trailer to raise money to shoot the feature film. People with parts in the trailer will most likely have the parts in the feature film) Gov. Agent in Childhood Fears Episode 4 Dark Factory Films (A horror series) Childhood Fears Also, come by my website From Dream To Journey and check out some of the new film shorts I have posted under my acting work link. Please be sure to sign my guest book and say hi as well. One huge thing I've learned while being on this journey is, you CANNOT give up on your dreams. Luv and hugs, Skip
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