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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Francoeur

  1. Darwin is just waiting down the road. Hope they don't take others with them when they go.
  2. Please try ta use goodly Anglish when postin in the forums. It hawd enuf to follu yous trane of thawt widout triing to figga owt what yous triing ta say. i no i can be guiltee of the bad typpin, an wurds com out rong. At leest try to cleen up yous posts sos we can reed them pacifically. I think with the advent of texting and email shortcuts, grammer, punctuation, and the ability to convey a thought have suffered. Try texting in proper English sometime. My new Samsung 4g phone has swype texting, and I have made it a priority to clean my texting up and work in complete thoughts and sentences. Just a thought guys. Take it for what you will. MSgt. Francoeur
  3. If I see this happening on my watch, the offending person/people will be forced to look up my kilt, and then serve 1 week as my stand in cabin boy. Remember. RESPECT MSgt. Francoeur
  4. I live in Aurora
  5. Thanks a ton guys. t feels good to be back As for the position of cabinboy: I will be holding individual auditions to try each person out. That makes it fair. *SALUTE*
  6. I would like to know why my post was moved away from the mess hall. I was just trying to get honest feedback from people. I was in no way trying to curry any favor or put any pressure on anyone. This really hurts. SNIFF..... SNIFF................. Skip
  7. Yes, you read that right. I'm considering coming back to the unit. There are some things you need to take into consideration. 1. There WILL be times when I will have to take long absences. 2. I will most likely not do very many realisms as I'v ebeen truly burned out by them. 3. What would I really contribute to the unit? 4. Would I really contribute anything positive to the unit? I want some honest answers and if you can think of any other considerations, please feel free to post htem. This is a pretty difficult decision as I don't want to join up and then leav eagain. I need to take all of this under consideration. Skip "Foreskin Wallet" Francoeur aka: Movie Guy, Sean Connery, Minor Actor, etc.
  8. Yes, the audience is closed in the container with us. there is no stage, just a shipping container. It would be cool to meet you.
  9. Thank you for acknowledging the efforts of everyone connected to the 1st MRB. We hope that all our efforts help to build a healthy and entertaining gaming community. this will be infectious through the DODS realm and into our personal lives as well. Thank you for taking the time to let everyone know how they're doing. It is very easy for people to bitch and complain, but for some reason very hard for people to show appreciation. Thank you so much! Skip Francoeur (Foreskinwallet)
  10. Hi guys, Here's the promo for the play in which I am performing. It starts Sept. 5, 2010. Skip (Foreskinwallet) The Container by Claire Bayley A View of human perseverance in the modern world Five immigrants from the Middle East and Africa fleeing their homelands hope for a new life in the UK. Human dignity and basic survival are put to the test as they are smuggled inside an empty container car under appalling conditions – the location and duration of their trip is unknown. Allegiances to nationality and individuality are questioned both by refugees and the black-market traffickers profiting at a time when societies previously known have failed and humane solutions cannot be guaranteed. staged inside a container car -- seating limited Additional Saturday performances for group reservations The 73rd. Avenue Theatre Company is a non-profit organization dedicated to present quality artistic shows and classes of performing arts such as theatre, dance, and music involving local artists. The company was formed with the idea that it would give back to the community that hosts it, understanding that live cultural events enrich the lives of those who get involved including audience, artists, and performers. Its efforts are dedicated to combining performances on stage with classes directed towards children, youth, and adults. 73rd Ave. Theatre Company (720) 276-6936 7287 Lowell Blvd. – Westminster, CO, 80030 www.the73rdavenuetheatrecompany.com the73rd.avecompany@yahoo.com
  11. Ok, After specing this guy and recording him for a while, I'm convinced he is aimbotting at the very least. In the demo, you can see that a lot of his shots are not even on target. Plus his scoping is very sketchy. Griff Demo
  12. Hi guys I've had quite a few people ask how my acting career is going. Well I do have a website and it does have a guest book you can sign and let me know whatever. You can see some of my work on the My Work tab, my story about how I can to act is not complee but it's well on it's way as well. Stop by and let me know what you think. BTW If you don't know, I'm FORESKIN WALLET Skip's Website
  13. Francoeur


    I knew it! I knew you were a hacker. Now other people have confirmed it. Where do you get your hacks? j/k
  14. Yep That's me.
  15. Ok ok, Here ya go guys. This is your CWO. Go ahead, let me have it.
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