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Everything posted by Bullock

  1. If there is an opening i would love to kick ur asses again sorry for my delay i havebeen with out power very fluxuating power here
  2. Well everyone i leave tommorrow at noon for MEPS here In Ohio from there ill be going to Chicago Illinois were i will be starting Basic Training for the Navy supposed to last from 8-12 weeks then after that im headed to Pennsacola Florida for 4-8 weeks for A-school its the start of a new life for me as i have a 8 year contract with the Navy hopefully everything goes well in basic and A-School im going to hope to be stationed in Hawaii which is my goal well i wont be on a computer for several weeks so im just saying goodbye ill be back asap nice knowing everyone and hopefully we get alot new Recruits while im gone
  3. hope the Giants win i cant stand New England....
  4. i say i want to see that to but i want the 49ers to kick some RAVEN ASS!!!!
  5. its quite possible
  6. eh..... Luck
  7. you only won cause most of my players got rested and there wasnt any good players left to pick from gg lucky sob
  8. hmmm well ill take Total War - Empire Napoleon Version only version i dont have if i get picked por va for pretty please pick me!!!!!!
  9. nice nice
  10. it has been fixed
  11. i have COH i havent founda nyoen to play it with me *
  12. Both of My Late GrandFathers served in the Vietnam War and the Korean War (Army Both) My Uncle Who just went back to Active Duty for Middle East (Navy) My self im in the DEP for the (Navy) ship out February 6th 2012 (Navy)
  13. great vid !!!
  14. lol i will aggre with the Playoffs But i know they will make it but they are rookies so i aggree they wont go far i hope they Do lol but im realistic
  15. well there tied in the AFC North they beat the Steelers there in 1st??? i dont see how you come to the conclusion they suck.... Unlike ur Eagles and SD team there Captain yes they are!!! i have Aaron Rogers on my Fantasy TEam and he has SAVED MY ASS SO MANY TIMES KEEP ON ROLLING!!! LOL
  16. yes it was!!! im going to the Bengals Steelers games this upcoming Sunday GO BENGALS!!! i hope they beat them it will be extremely tight hopefully the Bengals Rookie Offense doesnt get injured by the steelers !!! Look for me ill be by 314 i believe in Paul Brown Stadium by the goal POsts corner
  17. absoluttely!!!!
  18. looks like it was taking care off dont see banned on the vent list
  19. HELLZZZZ YAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. i got BF3 for X360
  21. Ich Spreka Deutsch , Espanol? Niene
  22. i put some updated pictures!!!!
  23. Bullock


    wtf u talking about were 4-2?????
  24. Bullock


    GO BENGALS!!!!!!!!!
  25. Top 5 Favorite Sports 1. Football 2. ---------------- 3. Baseball 4. NASCAR 5. Golf Top 5 Favorite Sports Teams 1. Bengals 2. ----------------- 3. Green Bay 4. ----------------- 5. Browns
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