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About Tragedy

  • Birthday 01/11/1983

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    Ontario, Canada

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Forum Smoker (28/91)



  1. I vas recruited by das Olhoff T'yeah (I think anyways 3 and a half years ago is along time to remember lol)
  2. Can never go wrong with 80s music 9/10 Gardner Heres an old one and one of my absolute fav songs The Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs
  3. hahaha Candy this pic is great! Reminds me of this...
  4. Signed, I'd love to see a new dods one day.
  5. I like when they announce Ford, they audience seemed to not know if they should clap or not. haha Hogan is so old now but he still looks the same as he did 10 years ago. He was always my fav as a kid. Remember Mr. Nanny?
  6. hahaha!!!
  7. D: I had to I'm sorry. :X loll
  8. aha nice, I always have trouble with the dresser/armoir in axis suze on donner. Kudos
  9. Anyways, McDowell is creating/running the free company for 1st/bar members and will be the one I will be joining. I really could care less about PVP to be honest. I am more PVE and gearing for raids but that is just me. Also I don't care what he picks for the insignia or salute so if Limsa's is a cool one then right on. XD I just don't want a shitty name and that is my only concern (In every MMO I've every played I've chosen guilds off of their names aha and I don't hate random people I hate all people, I just tolerate the ones I previously know. I just didn't want to be in that linkshell with all strangers spamming my chat screen I'd rather just have made the one I did to chat with the people from here I was playing with lol ;p I also just registered my pre-order for early access located here Early Access Registration They are being swamped with people doing it, so if it doesn't work or gives you an error just try it again in a bit till it does work. It took me most the day to get mine done. ^.^ I can't wait for Saturday!
  10. Exactly why I suggested McDowell to run it. So he can make sure it doesn't breach anything and god no Yama I know how we are with other games etc haha, I should have worded myself better is all. =] Obviously it isn't a official thing, it's just a group of us from the community wanting to play together and these forums are just a good way to connect with others in the community who are playing this game nothing out of the ordinary really.. I never once thought it would actually be part of the unit haha! If it became a serious group it would go outside of all of this, they really have no relation to each other. Other then this forum post in the slope chute. Really, could you imagine all these people on vent playing ff that have nothing to do with anything. >.< That would just be kind of shitty of anyone to do that lol. Sorry for the confusion if I caused any. ^.^ Should come play some time Yamagata it's really a lot of fun and if you owned 1.0 you have ARR free plus a month sub.
  11. This is great, thanks for posting this Parker lol. It gave me something to laugh at while having my morning coffee.
  12. I would only join a 1st MRB related free company, since it is their members, name and likeness. If an officer or higher is the Free Company Foreman. I.E McDowell cough cough just saying not to be a dick but he's been in here years now, I doubt he's going anywhere. The name is fine though, I dig it a lot actually. Even though closer to end game I would want to be in a raid one. 4 or 5 people isn't enough for 10-25's. So him being leader would make it cool to invite people and could possibly be a serious Free Company in the end. =] But basically the same info as him^ Server: Cactuar Player Name: Spooky Meow Linkshell(Which is a private group chat): 1st MRB/BAR Free Company(Guild): Undecided
  13. Thaumaturge - Arcanist for Blackmage with professions Botanist/Clothweave/Fishing/Culinary ^.^ I really don't care if anyone picks what I do though. I'm not that guy. I hope more join in it's amazing.
  14. Open beta is officially Live go here to register if you want to try this wonderful game! https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/...vbetatop?rgn=na We are on the Cactuar World Server North America. The rest of the info can be found here http://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/preparebeta/index_na.html or just steam msg me. ^.^ Hope to see you!
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