Never liked ICP i think they are retarded to be honest lol Eminem kinda ruined there career and the proof of this is in this shitty video graphics of theres they prolly got some highschool student to makethis for them cuz they can no longer afford anyone with real talent lolool
- Marilyn Manson - Deformagraphy
- Marilyn Manson - Angel With The Scabbed Wings
- Rob Zombie - The Scorpian sleeps Slip Knot - My Plauge
SlipKnot - Befor I Forget
I love that She wants revenge song ford, Anything Rob zombie will do as well.
lmfaooo! hmm well i dont chew my nails sooooo my black nails look normal i guess lol i do rub my eyes sometime and smear my eyeliner
im going to go get a few more piercings soon and tattoos gotta love that shit im a pain junkie i guess.
not a HUGE football fan but my fav would be Hamilton since i use to live there for ages and use to watch some the games thier cheerleaders look like prostitutes figures for such a grimey city lmfaoo
go tiger cats!
lol my city is pretty shit lolol...
we got a alright music scene though..
my brothers band hes the singer XD
buddy chris's band hes the drumer
can listen to better quality @