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Everything posted by Tragedy

  1. got it already dillion lol hes on windows vista 34 bit and has a Geforce 200 series Geforce 260gtx so i sent him too http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista...hql-driver.html also told him if he has problems or is unsure to get you on vent.
  2. what card do you have? nvidia or ati are easy to update.
  3. Skip.. i have been under you in blackwatch and i do mean that in a sexy way lol jk..you are a great leader a good friend and hell of alot of fun to play with in my eyes you are a very cool dude.. one of the best contributions u can bring is to the public server when you are on it it seems its always full you bring alot of life to the pub with your impersinations and just over all good attitude.. i would LOVE to see you come back i miss playing with ya and hearing the many voices u come up with you sexy beast!!! im sure almost anyone that knows you would agree that this would be a great choice to do if u are concidering it! rock on and keep it sexy
  4. lmfao@ we meet again
  5. grats everyone..will be a year for me as of january
  6. lol No way! go harper
  7. i dont even like the french and i was only talking land mass. we dont rape and pilliage our country's forrests etc lol
  8. lmfao parker
  9. I do not understand the whole 51st state thing in relation to canada.... you realize we are the 2nd largest country in the world right... we are bigger then the states.... infact we are the 2nd largest next to russia... so that comment is just retarded lol.
  10. Tragedy

    58 inch?

    should be fantastic its the best quality out there i think? mines 1080p depends on your vid card too im guessing? dunno ill let you know later LOL dillion is smart at this shit too he can prolly give a better answer
  11. Tragedy

    58 inch?

    good shit means i might be able to come outta LOA tonight =] thanks Dillion
  12. Tragedy

    58 inch?

    radeon 5770 i belive.. its not the best of the series but it does well .. im thinking about crossfiring them since the price has droped alot
  13. just purchased a 58inch plasma myself panasonic... im excited to get it its on its way as i type this.. imma try dods on it LOL as for bluray suggestions.... avatar, inception, basically any cool movie you herd of that would fit better in high def oh and HDMI cord for the win.
  14. Tragedy

    58 inch?

    How well do u think a 58" hd 1080p plasma will do as a pc monitor for dods lol? random question getting a new t.v today im thinking my fps will drop dramaticly i have a huge card so you never know might be cool to play it on that big a t.v if it runs smooth but ill be having to turn my head alot to see the screen lol any thoughts anyone else play on a big one?
  15. Well done.
  16. lmfao was jus kidding mckenzie xD <3 shit look at my pics im the furthest thing from normal
  17. lol jk
  18. bahahaha
  19. decided to do my makeup marilyn style lastnight loves it
  20. its a tie between stuffing and turkey... but what about turkey sandwiches with the left over turkey stuffing and cran berries those are hella good lol
  21. love the pic gillock heres a update of me my contact isnt in here jus growing my hair out.
  22. fallout new vegas looks badass ill end up getting it when my PC is fixed
  23. Tragedy


    lmfao @ engles post haha lemonparty i use to trick all my friends with that..
  24. LMFAO@ Wells and the Meat Sheild
  25. the Lost one cracked me up good and the pimp hat
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