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Everything posted by Tragedy
lol @ engle's jazz fingers
Lets Go RedWings!
Happy B-day Parker hope all is well with ya my canadian brotha from a different motha
Silent Hill Series = #1 Only game that really freaks me out love the air raid siren Dods GTA series nothing like beating a hooker with a hammer Resident Evil Series I got love for zombie slaying Civ4 was pretty fun recreating the german empire and taking over the world haha all i can think of at the moment.
yes all hail marilyn!
haha all in good fun i got alot of respect for collins jus the moustache made me think of this im sure theres a zillion pics that could be posted for mine LOL
im 27 im done school cept some more college lol so its not a teenage phase xD i jus been into suicide rock and industrial etc since i was young... marilyn, combichrist, slipknot wumpskut rob zombie murderdolls all that \,,/ i enjoy the style why fit in when u can stand out and i like to hiss at old people haha but my makeup does take me up to 30 mins to do no joke LOL me and my gf have hair dying and makeup nights with lots of booze its fun lol my gf loves the fact she can paint my nails and i can do her makeup for her LOL i enjoy it and it is who i am =] im ROFL @ Wingate at the moment..
Here is me still have some tattoos and piercings to get.. yes im pretty goth no i dont care about your opinion yes my gf is hot.. yes she is goth 2.. yes i did her makeup... yes i did my own... yes i will eat your babies.. and yes i worship the devil known as marilyn manson lol <3 my fav is the one with my glasses on and course me and my babes p.s who the hell is Mufasa... in my DOD Stats below lol?
is this movie really needed? i see a box office flop in the making lol.. who would really go see this? anyone here? i sure as fuck wont.. i wouldnt even torrent it LOL whats next twitter the movie... its like a 90 min commercial for facebook... so lame
Thats truely sad.. those poor lil things prolly didnt even have there eyes open yet... ever hear of the human society drop em off if u cant take care of em i truely hate animal cruelity they are not like us they cant defend themselves against it... truely sick.
im metis farr... i go to a native school.. my dads side are almost pure ojibway... i know enough about aboriginal history concidering im taking aboriginal knowledge and beliefs, traditional ceromonies and rituals, communal responsibilties, aboroiginal history and sources, aboriginal and canadian relations, contemporary life, aboroginal sociology... and the list just goes on :/ to sum it up in in a big native course in school that teaches me everything from the begining up tell present day.. lol i live 10 min from a reserve.. i have my metis card my dad has his status card..jus saying im done arguing in this post by the way i was jus trying to say in my defense i am aboriginal aswell.
pointless raid and pointless killing of a innocent animal The raid turned up less than a gram of marijuana and some paraphernalia; the suspect was charged with child endangerment. less then a gram.. that is like 5$ worth of pot personal use.. fucking stupid
there never was a argument it was me saying my posistion on this knife weidling idiot... this whole post has went way off topic and i got mad the moment i saw my country insulted.. isnt that the whole point of this thread? why is it fair for a american to insult another country but the moment yours is.. its the worst thing in the world .. as for this thread i do not see in the title "Americans only" its a open forum to members therefor i can voice whatever opinion i have on this matter.. the guys a idiotic attention seeking redneck he was prolly drunk for that matter. i see some valid points but i see nothing but arogance coming from those who are getting insulting lol and that is a typical reaction from americans who have there heads up there asses.. get over it its a flag.. what about the native americans who had there land taken over by us? this wasnt even your country to begin with hmm and Farr... osama was from afgan not iraq.. you people made up false acusations and went against the U.N to attack them and so called "liberate them" claiming it was about WMD but everyone knows bush was after oil... go watch farhenheight 9/11 very insiteful.. my last post on this matter this thread has become just like costa said a pissing contest.. too many people with to much pride not willing to budge so its pointless.. everyone has there own opinions.. thats what this thread was ment to be about not about canada.. not about wherever else about some loser with a knife cutting a flag down.. my opinion.. hes crazy and wrong.. the shop owner is wrong as well. end.
There is no need to flame and start direct namecalling it shows immaturity... i dont give a fuck who u are Gmoney there is no need for that... this post should be instantly locked and stoped cuz of this shit i dont deserve to be insulted for voicing a opinion.. wtf man?
deleted im not gonna partake in a flamewar.
this is what pissed me off and why i retaliated.
i had to say it i see too much bashing going on.. the moment i seen a canadian comment i felt it was PATRIOTIC to stand up for my country in such a way....bash me if u want but it is no different then the point u people are trying to raise im only sticking up for mine. Canadians are very proud, we are there in iraq and afgan helping clean up your mess u started against a U.N vote... please do not insult our army saying we are not proud that is so ignorant and rude... its a fucking flag.. not RAPE lol.... he was weilding a knife not asking the guy to take it down or change it around... lol
lamey is my new hero, get ready for typical anti-canadian comments from americans.. this whole video and thread really jus proves why almost every other country in the world cant stand america :/ your too full of yourselves.. it is a DAMN flag lol... its not like he had anti american propaganda sported on his shop .. or a bin laden statue outside lol its a flag to show he is mexican.. and proud.. big fkn deal maybe he didnt even know it was illegal... hense why he had both flags.. shit almost every store here has a american and a canadian flag do u think we would freak out if one was on top the other no we would jus shrug and say meh they must be americans.. but no not this guy... some redneck gets pissed and starts waving a knife around claiming he is a patriot.. he was prolly just some racist who hates mexico and spanish people or anyone of non white decent lol you people do not know him.. maybe it was a publicity stunt for attention why would he wait on news crew to be there just to do this? instead of acting sooner... in my honest opinion i think this dude is jus attention seeking and being a dumbass its one thing to be proud of your country i am proud as hell to be canadian but im not about to go swinging a knife around claming im a patriot cuz a chinese store sells chinese food and doesnt have a canadian poutine on the menu and cuts their menu's up all in the name of canada lol! if i ever moved anywhere out of canada even to the states you are damn right imma have a canadian flag outside my house ABOVE a american one if there is even one at all lol and your right Worsham this ISNT CANADA cuz canada is to busy worrying about helping our country and its citizens rather then dividing them. p.s i have no problem with america i live ona border city plz dont shock and awe me lol p.p.s saying our canadians soldiers are not proud to be is utter ignorance and insulting ahh politics so many different views Amen lamey
i was gonna write this big thing out but bleh not worth it... this is seeming to be a flame war almost should relax a bit
well if he was gonna go big he shoulda atleast burned the mexican flag LOL
nah i can see how it can be disrespectful just think the dude went a little overboard he shoulda did what the lawyer suggested and jus called the law enforcement not make such a big spectical out of it.