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Everything posted by Tragedy

  1. was just my opinion and i re wrote it..cuz it sounded ignorant and thats my bad lol..its not like that here in canada.. we are very prideful of our country trust me i love canada to peices and will stand up anytime if it is being insulted.. but we have such a diverse culter here so many different nationalities all together in 1 country so it is socially acceptable for anyone to be proud of where they come from :/... mind u if i seen a american flag over a canadian one id prolly burn it ....and thats a joke lol
  2. crazy americans! lol jk.. i really dont see what the big deal is.. his nationality is mexican he is just prideful of his own country... it dont matter here in canada cuz were not uptight lol.. we pride ourselves on having a diverse cultural population...
  3. Couldnt have said it any better then Gmoney and Ness just stated.. and zachow i use to be heavy into rap back in my teens... i jus dont like the music anymore :S ill still listen to it if its what is playing but it isnt something i would jus put on myself anymore. so its cool blast it lol
  4. Congrats Dude!
  5. Well vogt its a good thing im a pornstar... p.s im 27 so im past the growing out phase.
  6. G G G G GUNIT!!!!!!!!!!!! lol by the way thats a joke i dont like rap lmfao
  7. I would bang the hell out of Katy Perry - The He-Ho has spoken.
  8. that was FUCKING EPIC! lmfaoooooooooooo
  9. Yah mckenzie i agree everyone likes there own music.. im well influenced by marilyn manson and alot of people would say some harsh shit about him.. but doesnt change the fact that his music doesnt make me want to do evil shit i jus really enjoy it and his style. so who really cares right everyone likes there own shit =] low5 to ness lol and p.s i miss your msgs cuz im sleeping when its like evening to u lol
  10. Happy Birthday D00dddddddddd
  11. \,,/ rock on ness lol epic high 5
  12. To the best of my knowledge every admin is different they give the person 2 warnings then its a kick or ban. also non admins who are a part of the 1st are allowed to enforce the rules as well.. and if it is something that wont stop by you warning them get a admin on steam to come help if one is available.. if one isnt available and the problem continues or they end up leaving and still didnt listen u can leave a msg on the forums in the proper section if u manage to catch their steam id... and most admins do deal with the problem if u see something going on just be vocal about it because the admin might not see the situation going on for w.e reason. again this is only to the best of my knowledge.. if anyone else has anything further to say or better or if im wrong in anyway feel free to comment.
  13. i got tattoos i got peircings i wear all black i dye my hair black i wear eyeliner and i paint my nails black and have a upside down cross in white on my middle pinky and thumb ontop the black... :/ my fav artist is marilyn manson and im addicted to all i just mentioned above... but i dont concider myself goth nor a satanist.. i actually do not belive in religion.. im not a witch or a wiccan although i met some hot wiccan girls rawr... o.o nor do i own a trench coat lol.. just a rocker dude who loves the music and i like self exspression.. doesnt make me a murderer or violent im prolly one the nicest dudes you'll meet =] and now... i have to kill u and sacrifice you to the devil.... rock on rockers \,,/ P.S Tila was totally topless at the time it happend http://www.wwtdd.com/2010/08/tila-tequila-...e-was-attacked/ p.p.s i hate icp and there music by the way i really dont care if your a fan of them everyone likes there own music so to each there own i have some weird taste as well.. and this picture is just ment as a laugh not a stab at any of you if u enjoy this moronic group lol
  14. thanks wells and the grammer nazi's im baked off my ass so i have a excuse for my typos lol
  15. Reminds me of the worlds happiest chair.
  16. I too get really annoyed when people type like this.. its like ok you think your ghetto on your pc.. but talking like a illiterate moron does not make you cool.. it makes you look idiotic... and i make a point to let them know how stupid they are when i see shit like this.. lol
  17. Lmao Evo....
  18. sweet 3d porn! lol
  19. I agree it was suppose to be out last year! lol i have been waiting a long time aswell i use to love and play the first two constantly.. tried galaxies out... i love starwars im a nerd when it comes to it lol.
  20. Ew i hope not..
  21. ew are they seriously charging monthly fo this.... what happens after u beat the game o.o are they gonna constantly update and make expans like wow?
  22. ill have to be a evil sith im sure. i cant be a hero im to much of a villian. lol
  23. Tragedy


    Woooo! hope u have fun dude safe travels and see ya when u get back.
  24. i too have been patiently waiting for the old republic for what seems like too long! lol it better be as good as i hope it is! i cant wait
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