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I have no arms BAR

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About I have no arms BAR

  • Birthday 05/09/1980

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    California's central valley

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    Sprenggranate (Rifle Grenade)

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  1. Nope, I bought digital, so they just refunded the money. I uninstalled myself, but I assume I would not be able to log in as the game has been removed from my battle.net account. However it works it doesn't really matter to me as I didn't intend to play it anymore.
  2. Woot! Refund is complete. I am now officially done with Blizzard forever. I had hoped that they would prove me wrong about their crapiness since Activision bought them out...but alas they have not. Cya Blizz!
  3. Yeah don't have a WOW account anymore. Haven't for years. I'm through with the game honestly. If a company can't keep your crap secure and then blames you for it I honestly want a refund. In fact, that's a funny story in itself. Apparently this is happening to so many people and so many of us are trying to get a refund, the customer support number tells you that they're experiencing issues (after a pre-recorded message telling you how to roll back compromised accounts) and then promptly hangs up on you. So yeah GG blizz, I'd like my money back please Guild Wars 2 is coming out and I think I probably won't get "compromised" there. One last thought on the issue: Here's something I posted on the D3 forums. See if this doesn't make sense.
  4. Let me show why I'm so pissed. This is from the diablo 3 forums in which I have been flamed for "bringing this on myself" Me: I am an IT professional and am VERY careful with what gets on my PC. I know for a FACT there is no Keylogger on my system. I NEVER fall for phishing scams. I have never joined a public game. I do not participate in anything that would get me hacked. I use my home PC for gaming and work. That is all. And yet yesterday I logged in to find that my Monk character and my entire stash had been cleaned out. I am convinced that this is some sort of security breach at Blizz. You can all flame me all you want but I KNOW my own internet usage and habits and there is NOTHING I would have done to cause this breach. If it happens again I'm done and I'm getting my money back. The only polite person posting in the thread: Not blaming you, but trying to figure this out. Did you have an authenticator? Remaining vectors follow. Do any of these sound possible? Used the same e-mail address and password on a fan site as you use to log into battle.net. Fan site got hacked. Day zero vulnerability in an Adobe product and keylogger without a signature in the malware scanner. DNS redirector sent you to cloned Web site when you tried to log on to these forums. Got phished by an e-mail offering you access to the D3 beta (these are very convincing). Logged into battle.net from a computer in a public place, got keylogged. Me: #1 did not have an authenticator because I had no idea I even needed one. Have never needed it in the past and Blizzard did not make it clear to those pre-ordering the game that it would basically be required. #2 Do not use any fan sites. #3 I was actually in the beta, was never phished there. #4 Never log in from a public place. Only work PC (which is 100% clean here in our IT dept.) and home Yeah see no problems there. BTW thank you for being polite and helpful rather than trollish.
  5. I don't think authenticators are even going to solve this. Like I said I have ZERO questionable internet usage habits. I'm an IT professional, I don't mess around with anything. My PC is squeaky clean and I don't fall for stupid "give us your personal info" phishing scams. As far as I'm concerned this is totally Blizzard's fault and if it happens again I'm quitting and asking for my money back.
  6. How did you recover your account? Do you open a ticket with Blizzard? I'm asking because I just logged in and all my stash items are gone as well as everything on my monk. And only NOW do I learn about this authenticator stuff. How the crap can Blizz be letting this crap happen? I have only played with friends, no public games. How can anyone even get to my stuff anyways??? GAH
  7. That is truly outrageous. Its truly truly truly outrageous.
  8. Did someone say cats?
  9. I think we get that you don't like it. We don't need to hear it 50 different ways. Move along.
  10. Happy birthday you old fart. *High five*
  11. Monk is pretty much a healer/paladin class so....
  12. It's okay man some of us have a life and can't play all the time just like you.
  13. Gah servers are down again. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this whole thing. On the other hand, no online game has ever had a perfect launch. At any rate, COME ON BLIZZARD GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER!
  14. SERVER'S UP! And I have 15 minutes of work left. Woot!
  15. Yeah it's not good right now. The weirdest thing about the big "bug" that showed up and they're doing all the patching for is this: Apparently when you equip a shield on your Templar follower the game crashes out to the character selection screen and won't allow you back into the server. The strange part? This is happening during the first act, which was what we got to play in the beta and I never had any issues with equipping a shield in my many run throughs. How does a problem pop up like this after beta testing is cleared with no bugs? I could understand if it were a part of the game that wasn't beta tested, but as it stands this doesn't make much sense. Disgruntled Blizzard employee last minute sabotage maybe?
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