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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. *hides behind his desk*
  2. K. Are they bringing cookies?
  3. I sing this every night before I go to bed. My wife thinks I need to be institutionalized.
  4. lol hopefully that doesn't happen too soon (the computer smashy part). Welcome to the forums Kracky!
  5. Why, because of his weird facial hair?
  6. ...with a gay cowboy and a sailor?
  7. You dance around to bad techno music with a gay cowboy and a sailor?
  8. If by awesome you mean repetitive and banal, then yes, it is awesome. I think I will now go pound my head against a wall to try and get that out of it.
  9. Boy oh boy, do those guys have some packages for us! Leave it to Wells to bring the creepy man-candy. Happy 2 years Raiders!
  10. Unfortunately nothing as I am on call for work this week, but if I were, I'd prolly go with Killian's Red. IRISH ALE!!
  11. It's meant to be! I'm doing a jig right now.
  12. To be honest I was really close to voting for Crunch.
  13. I think it's the lighting.
  14. Wow, she's actually an even worse person than originally thought.
  15. Heeey did you steal that from Gooderham's party Worsham? Happy birthing day Kirk!
  17. That is...unfortunate. That girl has a poor grasp of the Christian faith. Of course being a Catholic could be a big part of that...
  18. The truth finally comes out! BTW could you delete those pictures I uploaded on you yesterday?
  19. Really it probably has something to do with the last Steam update. Weird things happen when they update things.
  20. Just get everyone's phone number and call them instead.
  21. I have also noticed a marked improvement! Thanks for all your hard work command staff! Looks like I'm back to positive scores.
  22. I seriously can't stop voting for Turner. I want to, I just can't.
  23. I vote for me because I'm not on the list. That's just how retarded I am.
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