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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. So appetizing... Happy Turkey day all!
  2. I got a message from Eluna who regularly plays on the pub saying that he was banned at some point and he doesn't know what he did. I told him I would ask for him. If anyone knows about this or could look into it I'd appreciate it.
  3. Wow how is it everyone's birthday this week? Have a happy day of entrance into the world.
  4. ROFL that's awesome Benson. I love Huskies, they're great freakin dogs.
  5. Dangit Kaba you stole my idea! Happy b-day Zahl!
  6. This is me and my 1997 toyota 4runner: That picture was taken at this many miles: It now has a little over 406,000 This is the car I'm going to be buying today: 2004 Toyota Highlander with only 49,000 miles on it in excellent condition for only $11,000.
  7. Looks like driver update worked. I should know better than to trust the little CD drivers that come with the stupid things as I actually work in the IT field. Everything's clear as a bell.
  8. But clear everywhere else I go, like Vent. Anyone know of any fixes for this problem? I have a new usb headset.
  9. Name: when in rome Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:2550264 Reasons for the Ban: racist remarks a blatant disrespect after multiple warnings to stop Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  10. Is it just me or does he look like he's not really lip-synching the actual words? Just kind of flapping his mouth open and closed?
  11. One correction: An asian oompa loompa with scary neck tendons.
  12. It's like an asian oompa loompa.
  13. I guess I'm way ahead of the curve. Had my beard goin for quite some time now.
  14. Yes it's a very slow day here at the hospital, so I was grooving to a recording of a Ween song that my last band did and have nothing better to do than pass it on to everyone here. Rock out and enjoy.
  15. Yeah but just so you know, the actual requirements for employment with the TSA are: high school diploma OR GED OR experience that the supervisor deems worthy. So in other words you can be a high school dropout and still get hired.
  16. That said, these guys are still illiterate weasels who grope children.
  17. I heard an interview with the head of TSA and he stated that no special treatment will be given. That was only CAIR flapping its lips. Thank God we're not that far gone yet.
  18. Yeah they had a catfight outside the mine.
  19. Four of my co-workers and I are dressed as trapped Chilean miners for our Halloween costume contest at work today. The IT department is in the basement so we put up a picture of a cave in on the door with a danger sign and a Chilean flag. I've been slipping notes under the door to people passing by. My favorite one says, "Falto mi esposa...y mis novias tambien" Fun times.
  20. I bet back in Atlantis, just to be a pirate you had to at least have a B.A.
  21. Don't let em get to you DC. I'm almost as bad with ol' Bessy my trusty MG.
  22. Not surprising that most of the glitchy complaints are on console. PC gaming FTW!! And also, YAY SERVER! I'll try and pry myself away from Fallout soon and get in there.
  23. I've been playing it for the last three days straight and I haven't noticed any glitches. Are these people playing on PC or console?
  24. I'm surprised it went anywhere with Fallout New Vegas out now.
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