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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. I'm still laughing really hard. In fact, I'm laughing so hard that milk is coming out of my nose. And I haven't even drank any milk today.
  2. ROFL the mustache one made me laugh so hard.
  3. Yeah Dillinger's always been a guilty pleasure of mine. I love their technical knowledge. Some Opeth for teh awesomeness!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5LmbsVn9vA
  4. Green because it is my favorite Narwhal.
  5. zomg the real Criss Angel guy bugs me to no end. Such a big fat phony. I love the end where he "disappears". roflwaffles
  6. [sarcasm] Don't forget hope. [/sarcasm]
  7. Well in all fairness he was asked to change his name in game to his recruit name even though the application was pending, so I wouldn't say he was impersonating 1st MRB. Just my two cents, not trying to take sides or anything.
  8. Goodbye sweet America.
  9. Oh I agree that specifically this has to do with race, but I'm just saying that there will be no good defence for this because in principal - even without race factored in - it's illegal and should be prosecuted. And if it isn't, someone needs to loose their job. Or their head.
  10. Race doesn't even factor into it. It's intimidating a specific group of voters to keep them away from the polls, which is strictly against the law of this country. If the president doesn't want to uphold the law, I think we as a country need to have a serious discussion.
  11. Crap. I'm gonna have to miss tonight. I'm going over to my parents' house to meet my mom's half sister, which she didn't even know existed until earlier this year. Yeah. my grandpa was an...interesting guy. Ah well, gmoney, you kick some bootay for me tonight, since you're one-armed and all you'll do as semi-replacement.
  12. You, your kids and your johnson??? Wow. The KFC one is pretty funny, but I think the auto-tune is catchier.
  13. The rainbow thing was on woot.com yesterday, but it was the super awesome auto-tuned version! SO INTENSE!
  14. ROFLCOPTER!!! That is one big scared gay man.
  15. Ah cool. I want one for my house.
  16. That's freakin awesome...but what exactly is it?
  17. The weird thing is that I sat there and listened to the whole thing. And enjoyed it.
  18. He's trying to imply that he wants to see you naked.
  19. First and foremost priority is not to explore space huh? Those are some well spent tax dollars. Our country is screwed and doomed. We are scroomed.
  20. Blaugh facebook is the debil.
  21. I'd bet they'd sell a lot more dirty hippie water if they really did add some acid to it.
  22. Wow. I always suspected, but lacked the technical know how to catch him as you did. Thanks for your service to our pub.
  23. Wow that looks really good. You're right, I'm seeing a lot of Bioshock influence.
  24. Wow, much more than I was expecting. Job well done people.
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