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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  2. Name: [GER]๖ۣۜRΛΜΜŞТΣΙŊ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:11321653 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive teamkilling Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  3. The one thing I've always thought, and I don't know if there's any scientific proof to this, but it makes sense: antiperspirants are bad for you. Let's think about it. The armpit is a MAJOR exhaust port for the body's toxins. So by stopping perspiration in that location, you stop up the release of nasty toxins. Imagine a backed up sewer line....
  4. Old Spice Classic deoderant, Old spice classic aftershave, Old Spice classic cologne. Heck I even use Old Spice shaving cream. Yeah I'm old school.
  5. ...have you been watching me in the shower again?
  6. Glad you enjoyed them.
  7. I'm pretty much speechless after laughing so hard I farted.
  8. Yeah their stuff has changed over the years quite a bit, but the later stuff really grows on you the more you listen to it. It is kind of weird and jarring at first yeah.
  9. Yay I'm 30! Wait, that's not exciting. Thanks for the happys and also the birthdays.
  10. Ever heard of the Danish band Mew? You might enjoy them.
  11. I find it weird that there's really that many people who have set their only goal in DOD:S to be to go into FF servers and kill their own team. I mean really?
  12. Roger that good buddy.
  13. The only problem with the whole "cultural awareness" angle...let me put it like this: Cinco De Mayo is not an American holiday. It is a Mexican holiday celebrating a victory in battle over the French in 1862. So to understand why I think what happened is so ludicrous, let's look at the issue from the other side. Let's say it's the Fourth of July. We're at a school in Mexico. They decide to celebrate the Fourth of July at this school, so maybe some exchange students living in Mexico wear their American flag shirts to celebrate. Then you get some Mexican kids that come to school wearing mexican flag shirts. In Mexico. And the school tells the kids wearing the mexican flag shirts to turn their shirts inside out or go home. Does that really make sense to anyone?
  14. Yes and I'm still trying to figure out who to sue over that. I'm thinking Robert Zemekis.
  15. Watched The Pursuit of Happiness. Surprisingly really good.
  16. In the same vein, here's the newest in affordable electric sedans: Coda
  17. Goodbye sweet America
  18. For any of you metalheads out there who appreciate good experimental metal, here's a link to a band I played drums for in I think 2002. Enjoy. Resurrection Machine
  19. Definitely Mayo. Ugh.
  20. Very nice, but I don't know of many motherboards out right now that run SATA 6...apparently this'll run fine on a SATA 2 board, but then you're not getting the full speed.
  21. I live in Porterville California. Smack dab in the armpit of the state; the central valley.
  22. I love Hawkins. He's Spechal.
  23. Skits-O-phreniC Some stuff I used to do with a couple friends of mine. Go to the skitstv section on the right hand side. There are some standalone skits as well as 8 half hour episodes. Enjoy. BTW my all-time favorite is called Gustav and Gilbert. I'm the tranquilizer guy.
  24. Tiger's gonna lose. Then he's gonna be so mad and pent up he's gonna rape Phil Mickelson.
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