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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. Well my wife's grandparents were french canadian, so I guess I gotta love 'em...
  2. Thankfully my job is good enough now that my wife can stay home and take care of the kid. She's thinking of going back to work someday, but for now she's got her hands full. And Ford...you smell funny.
  3. Just imagine what he could do with a throwing knife or star...
  4. Seriously one of the coolest things I've seen in a while.
  5. Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I had to go back to work today so I'm sad now lol
  6. Yeah that's my wife's dad. I've been saying he looks like John Locke for a while now lol
  7. Okay, here's a link to a little photo album I threw together. Enjoy. Baby Eliana and family
  8. oh and btw her name is Eliana Nicole Snell.
  9. Well after a 24 hour labor, c-section, and a 4 day stay in the hospital, my wife and I are now at home with our beautiful newborn daughter. I am so smitten it's not even funny. I can already tell I'm gonna be out polishing my shotgun on the porch with this one. Oy. But yeah things are great, baby's healthy, and I'm on proud papa. Woot!
  10. That and I'm fairly sure that it's a violation of the Fifth Amendment to force people to pay for a government program and fine them if they don't comply...i foresee some lawsuits in the near future. Sad that this is the first time Congress has voted directly against public opinion. We're electing you WHY again?
  11. It feels like having my brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.
  12. This is why they pushed the bill through. Very insightful. Clicky for article
  13. Very good times! Can't wait for the next one and hopefully I'll be around for a little longer for it.
  14. My favorites are: Red Nectar Ale Blue Moon Wheat Ale Red Hook ISP
  15. Clicky
  16. They have some info on the website about buying it Parker. I think it's somewhere between $87,000 and $100,000 right now, but as production goes up, the price is sure to drop.
  17. Never thought this day would come, but looks like the first commercially available jetpack is here!!!!! MUST HAVE ONE!!!! By the way...what was wrong with my sig?
  18. Yeah I've seen Jozin before. I love the creepy bearded man dancing his creepy little jig. I'll see that and raise you this:
  19. Poor Lt. Dan. I know just how he feels. Except more with legs and without arms.
  20. I think that would be awesome. I love me some good custom maps. Spices things up a bit.
  21. ROFL this is exactly why I love you guys. I vote Hawkins cause he smells like cabbage.
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