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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. The Do Not Resuscitate?
  2. Computer nerds FTW!
  3. IT professional/PC tech at my local hospital. Good job if you can get it.
  4. No problem. Glad you didn't have to go through the headache of setting up bridged mode.
  5. To configure the modem in bridge mode you actually have to connect straight to the modem and go into the configuration. You'll have to know your account username and password for Att. That would be the e-mail address and password you set up when you first got the account. If you look through the control panel optios you will find an option to change to bridged mode. Now in some cases you will be able to put in your pppoe info on the router's control panel and it'll work, but the last time I had to do this with Att that didn't work and I was forced to go bridged mode on the modem.
  6. OWK is dead. The article: hilarious. The comments after the article: Extra hilarious.
  7. I've had router issues in the past with DSL service that I had to resolve by setting the DSL modem to bridge mode. But that takes a little know-how. To start off you should check the settings on the router. Usually routers will have either the default IP address or a web address you put into your web browser to get into the control panel. Check and see if that's on there. If it is, try to get into the controls. If that doesn't work, your roommate may have changed the IP of the router and you will probably have to completely reset it. Usually there is a small reset button you push in with a pen that you hold down for 15 seconds or so and it'll factory default.
  8. LOL some dude at the hospital I work at can't be bothered to learn my name so he always calls me chief.
  9. That would taste funny. Kinda meaty.
  10. Just so you all know, even though my birthday was yesterday I will be accepting presents all yeah. Goodwin I'm looking at you and your tasty home brew...
  11. YAY I'm old! Good times had by all yesterday, got half the day off to spend with family. Thanks for the well-wishes and cat pictures LOL.
  12. There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who try and then fail or succeed, and those who wish they had when they're old and lonely.
  13. I guess I'll show my age a bit and go with Princess Bride. "I've got some rope up here..."
  14. Yeah I've always gone with betterbacon.
  15. So now it smells like burnt Denny's?
  16. This is the game that never eeeends. It just goes on and on my friends....
  17. Fordwise Gamgee. He's just trimming the verge.
  18. ROFL Denny's does smell, it's true.
  19. That looks like something Ween would do.
  20. I was thinking angry birds lol
  21. No I was just making a cryptic statement.
  22. I officially approve. BITE THAT HUMAN BITE HIM!!!!
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