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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. Remedy |ßÄЯ|: You dun even know what it is. i have no arms |ßÄЯ|: Weird european technopop Remedy |ßÄЯ|: Nope. Remedy |ßÄЯ|: Polish. i have no arms |ßÄЯ|: Poland's in Europe silly Remedy |ßÄЯ|: And its not Technopop Remedy |ßÄЯ|: Ya? i have no arms |ßÄЯ|: LOL
  2. blah blah birthday, some thing something good one. Just kidding, hope you have a great time old man!
  3. Let's back off on this line of conversation Viktor. We've had issues with this sort of thing in the past and I'd rather nip it in the bud now.
  4. In all seriousness, respect is as simple as treating others as you'd like to be treated.
  5. My idea of respect is telling Mams he's a stinky buttface.
  6. Oh boy just.... Oh boy.
  7. Yeah that one part where he's spitting out slugs...sexy.
  8. Kirkendall. The end.
  9. BAD KITTY!!! NO!!! BAD!!!
  10. Nope I take my Harry Potter very seriously.
  11. Wait so she works at EBAY AND Jamba Juice? Must be one busy lady, you'd think she wouldn't have time for such a long drunken phone call. Trust me friend, you don't want that desperate type. Nothing but trouble.
  12. Yeah this guy's a pastor like I'm a five time Olympic gold medal winner with autism. He should be ashamed.
  13. They're saying, "I want to eat your face off. Please allow my succulent tentacles to infest your inner cavities."
  14. If you are more interested in possibly joining BAR, add me to your steam friends list and we can discuss it.
  15. Thanks guys. 2 more hours at work then I get to go home and enjoy some quality time. BTW, she's totally flipped out over her birthday balloons.
  16. I thought it meant "I am the hamburgler!"
  17. Already workin on it.
  18. Who said I was still sane? Hummingbirdfeeder.
  19. Yep it's my daughter Eliana's first birfday! We're not doing th party till Sunday, but I'll save everyone some cake after she's smashed it all.
  20. While it's true that they are taking the Hobbits to Isengard, my brain is now melted.
  21. You look exactly how I pictured you Mams....minus a pencil thin stalker mustache.
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