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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. Used to listen to these guys all the time back in the day. Never was much for the whole evil satanic bit, but musically and technically they are one of the best.
  2. Trust me, Turner doesn't share.
  3. Kirk, wheel of time and song of ice and fire are awesome. You sir have good taste.
  4. Many things. Lots of Stephen King, David Eddings, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Ted Dekker, The Bible, anything by Vernard Eller, anything by Hugh Ross, Lots of dragonlance stuff, etc
  5. I love to read. I read as often as I can. Right now I'm re-reading the Otherland series of books by Tad Williams. Kicks some major butt. Otherland You'd all probably laugh at me if I told you some of the other stuff I read.
  6. Here's a good one
  7. On the vote list, I'm a final fantasy geek.
  8. DOD:S!!!! Also Any Super Smash Bros., The newer Metroid trilogy, and anything Zelda.
  9. Drink a little before hitting the range did we? Nice shot though. I did that same thing one time, but I had to hold the putter in my mouth.
  10. So I thought it might be fun to start a thread for the posting of funny stand up bits. Here's one of my favorites Brian Regan:
  11. I'm sorry, who is this?
  12. I didn't know they let people that out of shape get into CHP these days.
  13. WHAT DO YOU MEAN "YOU PEOPLE"??!?!?!?!!
  14. Only because you're Canadian.
  15. Do you mean Canadians? 'Cause yeah they are annoying.
  16. I would poo myself. Clicky
  17. Good thing Jones isn't a- oh wait. Never mind.
  18. Well, I guess if you really want I'll share my crack with you...
  20. shhhhh don't tell anyone!
  21. Only when I'm on crack.
  22. Like anyone's surprised. Now get your lunchbox and go Turner my little lumpkin, you'll be late for the short bus!
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