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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. Just to point a quote from the article out... "Moderate drinking, which is defined as one to three drinks per day, is associated with the lowest mortality rates in alcohol studies. Moderate alcohol use (especially when the beverage of choice is red wine) is thought to improve heart health, circulation and sociability, which can be important because people who are isolated don't have as many family members and friends who can notice and help treat health problems." So really moderate consumption is the best.
  2. That's not true. I still have the love letters you sent me in a shoebox under my bed.
  3. Engle is my favorite reetaahhd!!! YAAAAYY!!
  4. CAKE!!!
  5. Computer mice will always be around for gaming I think. Even when a lot of functionality for other stuff can be had from touchpads and whatnot, gamers won't let the industry die completely. I know I won't.
  6. ROFL "If you wanna see it, ask yo mama."
  7. Yeah stay safe over there man. Good to know you're still kickin'.
  8. To be fair, it looks like a pretty small snake...but yeah, big freakin black widow. I would kill it also.
  9. Article #1: The guy's name is Smallwood. Seriously? #2: This person is a moron.
  10. Wow seriously? You guys are afraid of spiders? I love the little guys. Only ones I kill are Black widows, much like the one that killed the snake there. Spiders actually kill and eat the really nasty bugs, so I like to keep em around. And btw, the daddy long legs is not very poisonous. That is a common tall tale. Helpful article: Daddy long legs,
  11. You're welcome. Now where are the cookies?
  12. Tim Alexander was one of my main influences when I was playing drums in high school. Primus is and will always be one of the greatest bands EVAR! btw, I got to see them back in I think 2004 at the Warfield in San Fran when they finally got Tim back on drums with them. The second set was the entire Sailing the Seas of Cheese album. So fun.
  13. I really want those, but I'm afraid the keyboard is too long for the tray I have my keyboard and mouse in. I guess this could be grounds for buying a new desk...
  14. Hey congrats guys! May your marriage be full of awesome!
  15. Another good parody: This is much closer to an accurate representation of "California Gurls".
  16. ROFL I've never had it tell me it had to go. I think you just got snubbed by a bot Sarsons.
  17. I can't believe the telemarketer actually asked if he was a moron. They can get fired for that stuff.
  18. Yes. Yes they are.
  19. Tell your bill people you're dead. That'll work.
  20. I will have this installed today when I get home from work. I love steam's crazy sales.
  21. Sharia law = bad. All I'll say.
  22. Well, I haven't heard 100% if they are, but the only MMO that I've ever known not to is Guild Wars, so I'm assuming there will be a fee attached.
  23. It does look really awesome, the only problem is that I've vowed never to pay per month for any game ever again after quitting WoW. The whole system is crap.
  24. I thought this was going to be two fruit bats duking it out. After my initial disappointment I laughed heartily at Will Ferrel's wig.
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