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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. I'll be keeping my toes crossed!
  2. Man that turkey sure is regular. Every year at the same time he takes a stuffing dump. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  3. oooo yeah that may be a big issue. I would definitely look into at least a 600 watt.
  4. Happy Birthday...s!
  5. Wow I really don't miss being in school now. Of course working isn't much better sometimes...
  6. Minecraft is the stupidest thing ever. Let's all go back to the early '90's and play a stupid game.
  7. I would say I'm in too, but you all know I suck.
  8. Some of your drivers may have become corrupt at some point, installing them fresh would fix that.
  9. Gio have you been doing some male modeling? I need to see your blue steel.
  10. I would be your man-slave for all eternity. Also meow.
  11. LOL I knew you'd fit right in here.
  12. It may be hardware related as well, perhaps power supply or Motherboard issues...the powering off at random times is often a sign of that.
  13. Thanks Cats I mean Cast.
  14. Name: i have no arms Reason: I am in the middle of buying a house and have absolutely no spending money. Also my wife is a miser.
  15. who told you about my legs?
  16. It's one question. No really, that's the math there.
  17. Freakin brilliant. In the words of Herman Cain, "Stupid people are ruining America."
  18. Welcome to our crazy little corner of the web. Hope to see you and any friends you bring along in the pub. And would you like a cat?
  19. Tried it, very unimpressed. meh
  20. I have no candy for anyone this year so I'm gonna spend the night chasing people away from my door by throwing cats at them.
  21. Oh man I've been a Mistie (MST3K fan) since the mid-90's. Used to watch it all the time with an old buddy of mine and it's been awesome to catch some of my old favorites on Netflix. I also have a lot on dvd and vhs. Hard to collect all of them because they were on for so long and did so many shows. Probably the funniest show ever imho. As far as favorites go, if you can ever get ahold of Deathstalker and the warriors from hell, that's a classic. Also Space Mutiny. If you have the stomach for just about the worst movie they ever did, then watch Manos: The Hands of Fate.
  22. This parade sure is FABulaaaahhhs!
  23. Yeah probably never coming back. Guess we should update her status lol.
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