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I have no arms BAR

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Everything posted by I have no arms BAR

  1. Is that guy a robot? Sheesh that's nuts.
  2. Happy birthday my man. Hope you enjoyed yourself!
  3. Didn't realize this is 8 EST. I won't be able to make it as I will only just be getting home from work and won't be ready for gaming till later tonight. Sorry. Maybe next time it can be on a weekend or something.
  4. Philosophizer is a word? Well paint me khideshn zikh
  5. I love apples. And cats. And dogs. And you. *HUGS*
  6. Nah, mine's pretty good. There's one person I work with who sucks, but otherwise it's awesome! Consider your party pooped on.
  7. It will soon be mine!
  8. Did I just watch two biomechanical snails get eaten while having snail sex?
  9. Double your pleasure... Have a great birthday guys!
  10. Add some alcohol and you have instant hilarity! Should be fun.
  11. A very Lafy birfday to you my sir.
  12. The most recent portrait I've had commissioned of myself.
  13. Yeah I just realized that LOL.
  14. Been using Trillian at work for a while now, works for what I need it to do, so yeah it's a good one. I know it's a little thing, but Trillian has a nice feature that you only have to highlight text to copy it. Great for lazy people who like to send links to each other.
  15. This whole thread makes me sad. I'm gonna go cry now.
  16. Guild wars 2 is coming out soon, and that'll be free to play after you buy the game, no monthly charges. Also it looks really pretty.
  17. Happy b-day old man!
  18. Oh Pookie you say the silliest things!
  19. Twinkle toes, Sugar plum, and Pookie.
  20. My only real nickname was Harlem. I think my friends called me that because I was a homeless bum for a while, lived out of my car. At least that's the only reason I can think of for it.
  21. Oh nothing can make her look more retarded than she already does.
  22. I'm gonna go ahead and say yes. So what are you up to later big boy? Am I gay for liking ?
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