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Ray 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ray 1st MRB

  1. happy birdday!
  2. i think i know that girl!
  3. because you suck?
  4. i censored that picture myself it wasn't a pleasant google search
  5. zahl if you were on this list i would vote for you but instead i voted for hawkins
  6. right now i live in muncie in this mufuckah i am from the town with this mufuckah fucking notre dame, biggest douchebag populace in the fucking world south bend, IN
  7. yeah shit like that happens all the fucking time its honestly just a fact of life but the thing about it is is that all it takes is one person at a game or one introduction at a party and then bam you know someone uptop too people are famous for random coincidences, and they always work both ways
  8. FML i want this bitch so hard
  9. it seems like it would be but when i am jacked into the wall i get amazing ping i stay constant at like 25 in most games the only reason are connection is so slow is because they put limits on our bandwidth one of the better things bsu does is internet and wireless internet that and being named after testicles
  10. Ray 1st MRB


    don't know how many of you assholes use last.fm basically you just download the scrobbler and it records what you listen to and puts it on your profile i get a lot of suggestions for good music and shit from it i am bored and i thought i should share it last.fm my profile name is drrickdaglessmd
  11. zahl its a joke if you hit on like one or two guys... when you think every dude in here is attractive and you want their numbers then its something else entirely
  12. for winrar files dowload either winrar link from the winrar site or 7zip their site both of these allow you to decompress .rar and .7z files very useful
  13. go ball state!!!
  14. fair enough, i don't get political jokes
  15. okay so i have no idea what that last one was about, i can't tell if it was offensive or just stupid so i am just going to not comment. I believe the notion of federally supported health insurance is a solid notion and has proved effective in many countries all over the world. That being said the plans put forward by the current administration and the changes forced by congress are not in the best interest of nearly anyone. It was a crappy piece of legislation picked apart by congress then put back together over and over again as quickly as possible, until we ended up with the frankenstein monster we have now. Frankly i don't think America can ever come up with a decent public healthcare plan. I think the reason that we can't is because most americans, simply put, don't want to pay their own money to help other people with their medical bills, and that is the entire concept of public healthcare. I would personally gladly pay higher taxes to give me and other people safety and satisfaction of paid medical care but most of America wouldn't. That isn't necessarily bad or evil but it is the way it is. Until that changes I don't think that we will ever come up with a system that works for a majority of America. And that any healthcare bills that get passed or put forward will not work on an incredibly basic level because they are inherently against core American values. Values that though i don't share, i respect because it is my fucking country and i love it.
  16. my brother has a gretsch it is fucking beautiful and it sounds fucking amazing something like this he plays metal with it but i have heard him play classical shit and that sounds amazing too the first time i saw it i thought it looked too fucking big, but he picked it up and played it and it fucking works it makes you look like a fucking rockstar my friend has one of these an old telecaster it might not look like much but it has possibly the crispest nicest sound i have ever heard in a guitar if you play what i think you play which is old shit than you should look into a telecaster they are fucking boss
  17. ford... i've got a halfsie, but i saw this like 3 years ago... and like 50 or sixty times since then...
  18. i like tourtles!
  19. every time i want to join the pub its on fucking flash ... that's all, i wanted to bitch and i felt like everyone should feel my wrath i know this a really stupid thread but i think it is a good idea right now so i am gonna post it and just in case anyone actually takes me seriously, i am not asking for anything to change or anything i just like bitching from time to time WOO stream of consciousness posts!!! make everyone stupider at the same time!!! O' DOYLE RULES!!! WOO!!!
  21. pssshhh st. paddy's day is overrated, just get fucked up every normal day of the year too!!!
  22. i thought he was gonna fall off the bridge... that would have been more intense
  23. i don't play mmos because i get bored... i like games that have storylines and original and challenging gameplay not based solely on how long you have played the fucking thing
  24. happy birthday!! hope you can save up for that sex change!! p.s: i would like to make love to you
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