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  1. Eskimos are taking the grey cup this year... gotta support your home team.
  2. I figured it out... Monitor is starting to go... Just wiggled the monitor cable and it started showing red again... I swear, ive had so many problems the last few days, im gonna have a heart attack lol.
  3. I was watching a movie online and my color was fine before i put it in full screen... I watched maybe 15 minutes of it and then when i pushed esc to come out of full screen to check something my color and brightness and shit all looked like this Not sure if the image looks like it does from my POV... but i hope someone can help me fix it!! I've rolled back the drivers and reinstalled the latest ones.. I've rebooted my comp.. All the colors just won't go right The background on the pic is suppose to black and the face and everything is suppose to be red... not a pukish green color... HELP SOMEONE!!! I just Keep having one fucking problem after another and i'm about to fucking snap!!!
  4. This is fucking retarded!!! Bought the game, can't get the install going cause of premature error... torrented the fucking game, mount it... install starts up as it would if i stuck the actual disc in... Oh what do you know, SAME FUCKING ERROR EVEN WITH A TORRENTED VERSION OF IT... FUCK THIS SHIT, FUCK GEARBOX, FUCK RANDY PITCHMAN, FUCK BORDERLANDS... WHAT A WASTE OF FUCKING MONEY AND TIME!
  5. Lol my IT guy friend said the same thing too me... I guess it's a little too late now that i've already bought and got the thing in... I dont care if it looks gross... as long as it works.
  6. Err..... this is fucking retarded... I bought a hard copy of the game so i wouldn't have to waste time fucking torrenting this piece of fucking shit.. ERRR fucking gearbox software are a bunch of fucking pussy ass mother fucking cock suckers!!!! What a fucking waste of fucking 60 bucks. ERR sooo fucking pissed off.
  7. Well, i got the PSU and video card in... its a snug fit, but it fits... theres so much extra cable with the PSU its just hangin out the tower lol.
  8. The ram is just to the right of the pci-e slot... I'm starting to think the 9800 gt might not even fit inside my tower. >.<
  9. Oh yeah, i'm getting a evga e-geforce 9800 gt
  10. Does it look like the ram would be getting in the way of the video card... the pci-e x16 slot is under the fan... its the black slot... image is kind of shitty, sorry.
  11. I just bought a EVGA E-Geforce 9800 GT and a corsair 650W PSU.
  12. im actually thinking of just keeping the one i got and spending $400 on a PSU and geforce GT 9800.... Hopefully its the PSU that is makin my comp randomally shut down... If not, ive wasted money on a PSU and hopefully the gt 9800 fits in my tower... or else ive wasted more money.
  13. amd, ati.. something that'll be able to play games like boarderlands and bad company 2 and mw2 and such.
  14. I'm also looking to build a PC from scratch within the $1000 CDN range.. I have a friend who is going to help me put it all together.. I'll need everything except a mouse/keyboard/monitor/webcam/headset
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