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M. Clark

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About M. Clark

  • Birthday 05/20/1990

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Forum Trainee

Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. Notorious B.I.G Niggas Bleed (not being racist.) but if you listen to the whole song and like rap you will know why i like it.
  2. feeling the love :]
  3. how is it that today is my birthday and it did not even come up on the site... :[
  4. nah see the short hair is just not a turn on for me. lol
  5. there it is hendrickson!! i like the way you think.
  6. goodwin i want to shake your hand. your a man that knows exactly what he wants. perfect.
  7. gosh im starting to think that im the only dude that likes red heads. i mean dont get me wrong blonds are nice but every one i been with is nutty.
  8. yes but what one tickles your fancy?
  9. My personal favorite would be red heads. only because red heads are rare, and when you do see one there either really hot of really ugly. never one in between. i dont like blonds well its self explainatory. and brunettes are like honda civics there everywere. so thats my thing.
  10. i lose.
  11. Requesting a ban for a week on just ignorante. his steam id is STEAM_0:0:3685574 he was told several times to stop team killing and never stopped told hiim i was going to report him still kept doing it. thanks
  12. Wreastling football powerlifting.
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