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Everything posted by Greco

  1. yea im glad your back up and running again. =)
  2. thank! =) Took a while to make...im just really glad youtube finally accepted it. They didnt want to at first. Took 11 hours to fully process.
  3. yea I use a 28" monitor and 1920x1200 resolution.
  4. Here is a Link to DownLoad the video I made of Friday Night Fight Night. Youtube is being a pain about it right now so just Download it and watch, wont take long to download. You will enjoy it and get some laughs. Also great music, Capt. Parker and Miller can vouch for that. =) http://www.mediafire.com/?ygknn2wzmzy Well apparently it is somewhat working now?? Here is the youtube link, but for best quality you can still download the movie VIA the link above. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT3B0_qP1Kk AND HONESTLY i CAN NOT BELIEVE I MISSPELLED THE WORK FRIDAY IN THE TITLE ON HERE....WOW...FAIL.....
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl6RJyZdBSU&feature=fvw
  6. yea its was very fun. Cant wait for the next one. Iv never played on any of the maps that were played last night but after a while I learned them and they were all pretty good.
  7. wireless and gaming should NEVER mix. I use wireless on my media PC's but would never ever think about anything wireless for a gaming PC. That in itself could be the problem for many many reasons. For starters your neighbors could have installed a wireless system of their own which is affecting yours. If you live by an airport, industrial center or military center they can also have wireless signals that may interfere with yours. Updating firmware for something that has just started having problems after a year of working fine isnt going to work in almost all cases. You may try updating network drivers but I doubt that will fix the problem either. I say hook up wired to your router, if you still have the problem then you have eliminated the wireless signal being the problem. However, if you get no more lag spikes then you have your answer. Report back when you have tried it using a wired cord, and let us know your results. You have 24 hours, this message will self destruct...
  8. lol, weird video...idk if i would do the same lol.
  9. Yea i have nothing but problems with my DSL during storms...even if they are 50 miles away....so annoying...
  10. not a classic...its just funny..haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3F3IUBANnY
  11. DSL or cable? Also you say this does happen every 30 sec-1 minute constantly?
  12. haha that is just awesome! lol
  13. I simply like games you dont have to pay monthly to play.......
  14. yay happy birthday!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWnE-0tfEKs&NR=1
  16. Im not quite understanding what you are asking? If your asking for recommendations on ram then I can do that for sure. Are you saying you already have ram?
  17. HACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Oh im not saying they are the best, the absolute best IMO would be EVGA or Intel Brand. I was just saying that was a pretty nice one I found with a lot of good reviews.
  19. I guess that makes sense.
  20. ugg why are all games doing that now? =/
  21. hahaha nice! As for the people knocking on ASUS boards, you can suck it. ASUS is decent. Yes EVGA is good as well, I just happened to find one at newegg that had good specs and good reviews.
  22. Lots of people seems to love this one. Also iv had ASUS before and they are decent. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813131614
  23. Physx is nothing to phone home about.
  24. You run for 10 minutes to get somewhere just to get bombed by stupid planes or helicopters. Then you spawn and have to run for another 10 minutes all over again to see any fighting....most likely to get killed by some faggot sniper camping under a bush. Kinda stupid and cheap IMO.
  25. You must like pizza... hahahaha
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