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Everything posted by Greco

  1. Not really a good argument at all. 9250 wasnt even a gaming card. Havent you ever heard of the 9800PRO? Anyways, Ill say ATI because they provide the best price/performance by far. Iv had plenty of cards from both sides, and ATM im with ATI and have been since 2008. ATI cards have always been pretty solid, and the only big issue I can report with them is driver related. So why pay more for green and get less? I guess some people just prefer green over red simply because of the brand. Oh well, ill save money and get better performance with red for the time being.
  2. see if I had the opportunity to try it before I bought it i might think about getting it. But I hated battlefield 2 so I wont buy this without trying it first.
  3. glad im not the only one....
  4. he gets better fps because of his cpu and IMO that 8800 is a better card.
  5. Yea I know Ill be installing it today. Im excited to see performance gains. Im expecting about double performance of my 2 x 4850s. Ill let you guys know later cause I did a bunch of FPS testing and benchmarks before I took out the 4850s.
  6. You guys can say what you want but im fine paying less money for more performance.
  7. Yea ATI price/performance is outstanding. There is nothing from Nvidia that performs this well for the price I paid.
  8. Have had ATI since my 8600GT and had a 9600GSO for a bit too. I had my 2 x 4850's since they released in 2008...always performed very well.
  9. A new graphics card to own shit up! =)
  10. that is just...insane.,..lol
  11. yea iv got all my ports open and set. If anyone wants to do a game let me know and I can host. Havent played it in a while...
  12. gay....
  13. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait!
  14. holy shit dude what causes that?!
  16. Sorry for some reason I thought you mentioned two in crossfire. Still...one 5770 will perform about the same..maybe a tad slower than my setup. So I still believe that fps is low. Like I said try a new PSU, that should hopefully do the trick.
  17. Yea that is low FPS for sure with those cards. Those 2 cards are better than mine. Id say its your psu...400watts is already pushing it just to run one 5770, let alone 2. Get a 650watt or better then try again. CPU and everything else looks just fine. Just saw your on one of the original phenoms. I had a phenom 9950 for a while, and it was better than my dual core 2.2, but the original phenoms were not that great. This is just a side note but when you get some spar money I suggest picking up a newer tri or quad core cpu. As long as your motherboard is AM2+ they should be backward compatible.
  18. There still isnt enough information. I need to know all your in game settings. Also yes that PSU is way too small for crossfire. for 1 card it might be fine but not for 2. I suggest a 650watt or greater. I get around 200 FPS which varies greatly based on what im looking at and how much smoke and everything there is showing. Iv got 2 x 4850's crossfire, but I play at 1920x1200 resolution and all in game settings maxed out.
  19. meh.. IDK if I get a chance to watch them once a week. But my top tv shows are: 1. Family Guy 2. LOST 3. Heroes
  20. Greco


    there should be a way to set that in the cfg files in dods. I however do not know how to do that or where it is located.
  21. haha! =)
  22. I voted for you! =)
  23. yea I was running on wireless as well at that time. =)
  24. hahahaha man that was very good!!!
  25. woh that is some really fast upload speed for cable and compared to your dowwload speed too.
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