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Everything posted by Greco

  1. lucky you getting a new laptop lol.
  2. Thanks, I hate idiots that try and ruin the game for everyone else. BTW your still a forum E-8 =)
  3. we already have a ranking system right? I mean statsX shows a lot more, if it doesnt cost anything then I guess sure.
  4. I played soccer and was in ROTC all 4 years in HS.
  5. omg gardettos FTW!!!!!!!
  6. wow...just wow...I wonder how high someone has to be to come up with that?
  7. nah...just no way Id be putting up with that. I dont play BS games like that.
  8. Haha that is a good shirt, Id like to get one.
  9. Have fun, I like Korn. Bring some brass knuckles for the mash pit. And maybe wear a steel cup as well, you want to protect the McNuggets.
  10. Greco

    My map

    Nice! I made tons of maps a few years back. It was pretty fun cause I ran a custom map server.
  11. Haha yea that was pretty good!
  12. Nice links guys, got me some nice new wallpapers. =)
  13. that is a nice looking picture. =)
  14. go Saints. Was a good game to watch.
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