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About Connary

  • Birthday 05/19/1984

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    Temecula, CA

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  1. The same issue as before is happening. I try to join the server and after about one second of loading I quickly receive a Disconnect. I attached a doc with a screen shot of the disconnect. If this is no longer the correct location to try and resolve this issue please let me know and I will redirect. Thank you for your time and assistance, Waywatcher
  2. Thank you for the quick response. Waywatcher
  3. Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3413359 Reasons for the Ban: Not sure if I am banned. When I try to connect to server it says disconnect after a second. If I am banned it would be because I joined the server not realizing my name was still Pfc Connary with the 1st tag after I had been discharged. Recommended duration of ban: Please lift the ban. Demo Provided?: N
  4. SAME bro i was just making sure u were still alive i rarely get on dods anyways hahaha

  5. What up bro? I have been super busy with school and work shit. Dont have time for anything much anymore.


  7. Connary

    Just Wow

    Well Bush will be one of those pres that down the road his popularity goes up big time. I was reading an article about how Truman, one of the lowest approved ratings in pres history, is now well up the list. Sometimes the things a pres gets rolling does not show its potential tell well after the term is over. I think Obama will be a flop and in the years to come Bush will rise in the overall pres polls. But i think that sign is well fitted. But i leave those comments to more well informed people like Gmoney who seems to know his stuff.
  8. Connary


    Hahahah that is so awesome. America, consumer items, and big bombs.. FUCK Yea.. favorite part was "immigrants, FUCK YEA" so funny.
  9. Ohh yea ok that makes sense my bad.
  10. Connary


    Bullet magnet hacks? You sicken me =P
  11. Since he is a admin can he remove his own ban? Or is this a joke?
  12. i fell in love with him at 30seconds.. then i had to finish it, he is a muse. If i could crawl threw my screen i would of. Seriously though, god he is annoying but i had to at least make it to 3min for the S Connery mode =P. But i finished it and hope he dies.
  13. No, your ignorant!
  14. with all do respect.. i hate you.. haha jk.. after i posted i realised i spelled it all wrong. Damn World of Warcraft for fucking my english up. ahah.. but i recommend anyone to play it because it is fun times. Just of course dont forget about the pub.
  15. Getting free time to look at porn when the lady is gone after having sex all night... cuz variety is key to happiness... ??? or monkeys... i hate monkeys.
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