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Matix BAR

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Everything posted by Matix BAR

  1. If Rac does decide to post here, it was by accident that he was banned today. I will have the ban lifted as soon as i can. You have my apologies for the mistake.
  2. "вυɴɴϵн" STEAM_0:0:17608686 08:22 188 0 active Team killing
  3. TKer. warned. rewarned and warned again "ThatItalianGuy" STEAM_0:0:6069271 26:33 123 0 active
  4. Thanks much for the quick response
  5. Hi started playing here a week or so ago. Was in your ventrillo server when i hit a big lag spike. Dunno if my mic freaked out or maybe i tryed to join a locked channel and it auto banned me. what ever the reason im not sure if i did anything wrong if i did you have my apology and i accept the ban. No reason was given for the ban but it says that im on the banned list. any info would be greatly apperciated -Thanks Matix
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