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Belding 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Belding 1st MRB

  1. Also...everyone knows that when it comes to ridiculous music that makes you lol, it's all about
  2. yea...the "i don't wanna listen to fuckin scientists" after the magnets thing...lol'ing out loud there.
  3. ok so I forgot it's retarded and I need your e-mails to do it...or if easier for all just add me! beld6715@fredonia.edu
  4. I'm RodneyDoom! People need to add me in this game dammit!
  5. Yea. I was in the beta. It's pretty awesome. Prepare to get raped a LOT though from all the people who played 24/7 in the beta
  6. welcome back! the title of your post sounds so much more excited then the post itself. lawl
  7. I much prefer using bing on my phone over google. Especially when I got my old BB storm. I would just say "weather in fredonia" and my town came up with the weather for the week. This was like a year ago though so I don't know who did it first or who does it now or whatever...but when I'm on my phone, I Bing it, and when I'm on my comp (on chrome) I google it. I just think to each their own for each device. I also think macs have their place, MS has their place and Linux has it's place. That's why I listen to music on my ipod, am waiting for my android phone to come in the mail, which I will then plug into my windows computer, that dual boots ubuntu if I ever want to fiddle around with the terminal and BASH shell, or clear up any viruses I, or anyone on my network gets!
  8. I'd be ROUGH AND TUMBLE!! I would turn into a '94 Chevy Corsica!!
  9. with this many genetics doctors interested...I'm sure the was paternity testing. (maternity test...lol....she came from her stomach, she's prob the mom) so it's just fucking SCIENCE ALL UP THIS BITCH!
  10. Paradigm Shift. My highschool band, I played guitar. HenryGordon...a joke band of me playing all instruments and a drum machine. It's bad lol Last band I was in a few years back...I play rhythem guitar in "the forthcoming" and below... I MISS BEING IN BANDS!! I wish we all lived closer so we could rock out!
  11. Yea I've dealt with some nasty viruses before too. My roomate got one that sent out spam e-mails from his comp by the thousands and my internet got turned off until I could fix it. I was so pissed at him (he had punched wholes in our apartment walls and destroyed a leather gaming chair of mine) I just went into his comp and deleted any driver, tool, software, or registry that had ANYTHING to do with the internet. Virus *SOLVED* and internet restored...roomate then moved out so it was like two birds with one stone! But yea....ever hear of the iluvyou virus? My friend had a flash drive that had it ready to go. It changes every file on your comp to a .iluvyou extension. It's fixable but...yea.
  12. Editing it can be a real pain in the ass. I don't know the exact language it uses, but when you right click something, you should be able to go to "edit skin" and work from there. Just change numbers and hexidecimals around until it looks sweet. Also google "rainmeter skins" cuz people have pre-made a TON of shit for it. Just keep in mind that almost every app for it is CONSTANTLY REFRESHING. so don't blow up your rams/processor.
  13. He made a TON of video replies to people asking him all sorts of random shit. Old Spice Twitter
  14. I just can't into opeth...I've tried, but just something about em... Whenever I'm drunk and need some silly HARSH breakdowns with HIGH FIVES...I turn here..
  15. meh...toned down too much. If I wanted to listen to something like that I'd go for At The Drive in or old Thursday. Also...this will be me as a parent, and my kid better be this cool!
  16. Cramer. I used a program call Rainmeter. It's free to download. Most of that, except the clock is from the enigma skin with a tiny bit of tweak. The clock I downloaded and then minimalized.
  17. PFT! All of you guys with your UN-CUSTOMIZED desktops. TO SHAME!! Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  18. I'm a computer!! STOP ALL THE DOWNLOADIN!!!
  19. Yea I'm gonna go with goodwin here and say that it makes sense it would be hard to work. It's adding extra lines of code that need to be run everytime somebody talks, and people talk A LOT and that's more stress on the server just for you to NOT hear what somebody far away is saying.
  20. Alright...So I believe it was hopkins who got it first, then I heard something about wells, and now I just got a message from Phan's account. All the same message "http://steamcommunity_com_viewprofile27460268470159.9hz.com/ OMG OMG WTF? HAHAHAHA?." There are a lot of accounts catching this and we have to make EVERYONE in the unit aware of just what's happening here!!
  21. Mountain Dew Gamer Fuel and Bartons. 50/50 mix. it's what your body needs!
  22. Name:T3rr3r Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:31952431 02:06 213 0 Reasons for the Ban: Massive tk Recomended duration of ban:month Demo Provided?: N
  23. They just released some news story saying that there are a ton of colognes, including AXE spray, that damage your spermies. I lol'd. Study showing the lulz
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