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Everything posted by Worsham

  1. all in favor thinking ford looks like bad santa say i
  2. HA i won
  3. supreme nachos likes it nut to butt. you going down this week englebuttson
  4. Worsham


  5. I hate dirty cheaters. he obviously apologized to floyd and then bam. he got a shitty win. people who payed to watch it deserve their money back.
  6. anyone else think this is the best animated show to ever live?
  7. Hook'em Horns Nuff said.
  8. anyone else think the narrorator is T.J. Miller from our idiot brother, or atleast sounds like him?
  9. forgot that one
  10. @yamagata (yamagatagoober) Worstham sham sham shambo patty p-rick prick shambeezy shammy
  11. i fuckin hate blue people.
  12. summer is over
  13. "Who ate all ma peanuts?"
  14. " Good thing were outside, cuz i just ripped a huge one."
  15. see you in hell
  17. vaginaboob
  18. best avatar ever
  19. since evryone thinks most of windows os is garbage what would you reccomend upgrading to? im on vista right now and never really have had problems, (or the logic to recognize that its a vista problem) i think its something that i am unaware of and id like to learn about. the only 2 OS's i know of are Windows and Apple (mac/whatever)
  20. OH GOD the jizz ITS EVERYWHERE
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