"lidrec" STEAM_0:1:9365120 1:02:36 199 0 active
He accidently team wounded/killed in what was still considered "allies" spawn on avalanche.
Method said it was an accident.
The ban is only 1 day.
dude i love how the people in the crowd are booing. okay who here has been tazed. its really not that bad. it makes you numb, stiff, hot, and really itchy. once its over the pain leaves quickly.
I'm most definantly in..
What website did you want to use?
And we shud make everyone pay up 5$ to play. And the winner donates it to the server.? Or is greedy and keep it for themselves.... Whatever you think is morally right...!
i dont know man, this guy has it in his mind that this is a street fight. and some people might say it is. But honestly its not. In this sport you can just punch. James toney is going tocome after Randy with a few punches and couture is just going to beat his ass after he takes him down.
its just a fight to make money. Like Dana White said in a ESPN interview its a freak show fight. people are goig to pay out the ass to see it.
and after seeing my first video Toney would say blah blah blah Auguest the blah pay your 59.95 to see me blah! he just wants to get paid. And he thinks he can beat anyone punch to punch well it aint going to happen that way my friend.