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Everything posted by Worsham

  1. I did a search on J.P. Morgan. And he was alive from April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913. Which means its impossible to evenn serve in WWI. I looken in his personal like and he had a son named J.P. Morgan Jr. he was alive from September 7, 1867 — March 13, 1943. So he would have been 75 or 76 to serve in the marines in the miniseries. I also looked and it said he had 4 children but didnt name them. So i dont think that one of his decendants is a J.P. Morgan III.
  2. This got me interested too 2LT.. ill look into it and let you know.
  3. Worsham

    Job ideas?

    Hey anyone got any job ideas? i need a summer job, and i dont want to work in food buisness. im 17 - 18 april 9th... (yes that means you have to buy me a birthday present next month..)
  4. +1 Its illigal in arkansas to pronounce the state nam arkansas wrong...
  5. hahaha this is greatt
  6. It was just in the mix of all that verison fios had to offer on demand.
  7. (in my Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)
  8. haha lambert tiny man.
  9. I saw Shutter Island and Green Zone this weekend both were good.
  10. have a great one + many more
  11. If you have HBO they were showing previews an character analysis of all th main actors/soliders. John Basilone: John Basilone: Profiles of the Pacific Robert Leckie: Robert Leckie: Profiles of the Pacific Sidney Phillips Sidney Phillips: Profiles of the Pacific Eugine Sledge Eugine Sledge: Profiles of the Pacific Chuck Tatum Chuck Tatum: Profiles of the Pacific
  12. Worsham


    Forgot you wanted to know more. Bjay = Mainly Feral Druid. But i tank too. Demontric = Warlock Mestaric = Hunter Zakris = Holy/Ret. Paladin Paterick = Frost DK Bantum = warrior
  13. Worsham


    I have 80's on Alliance: Cenarion Circle - Horde: Azgalor Names are Alliance: Bjay, Demontric, Mestaric. Horde: Zakris, Paterick, Bantum.
  14. Just watchdthe first episode. jizzed my pants
  15. Baseball - Yank's/Rangers/Astro's Baskettball - Mavericks Hockey - Stars Football - Longhorns/Cowboys
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