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Everything posted by Worsham

  1. Worsham

    Rose Bowl

    HA! go frogs
  2. Feliz Navidad friend
  3. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=7133
  4. Mawhaha, I have escaped the list once again...!
  5. Skip, dude your a pretty likeable guy. I think that your maturity can show the lower ranked members about how to act, basically teaching them how to become a great raider. your really cool and you bring great attitude twoards the game the unit and everything else. theres not much else that i can say Just do it.
  6. I go to Evolution Martial Arts in Plano, were learning; Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Western Boxing, Muay Thai Boxing, Russian Sambo, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and Mixed Martial Arts. I will begin amateur bouts in February.
  7. Dont mind Ken Ken there. I know how you feel sarsons. August was my 6months and I felt pretty proud to still be around... Christmas eve will be my 10th month full month with the raiders. So I'm really Excited. Anyway congratulations this is pretty big for you. Celebrate.
  8. I'm sure he did it to make kos feel like a complete tard for talking so much trash. Why would GSP want to demolish kos like we all thought he would when he can make him suffer and embariss him.
  9. i like how he trash talk so much. then gets his ass whooped
  10. Just to clear things up mine is Xbox 360 - MrSkinny65
  11. what a hottie
  12. Happy birfday
  13. Finders keepers losers weepers! Even if we give up Alaska we would rape it from all of it's resources and then hand it over. -Also it's the closest thing we have to Russia. -The British, who owned Canada, correctly saw it as too cold and frozen to be suitable for farming, did not know gold and oil would be discovered there, and did not want to pay for it. The U.S. also knew it was not suitable for farming and also did not know that gold and oil would be discovered, but decided to buy it anyway, to be able to surround Canada on two sides, and to weaken the position of the British with respect to Russia, not because the U.S. had any immediate use for it. I think that it would make more sense for Canada to own it but. It is what it is
  14. Katy perry. Is smokin hot.
  15. Ive been following him since his first video that launched him. So far this is my favorite video by freddiew. And heres his channel if youd like to watch all of his videos.
  16. Reading these every month are always entertaining! Keep up the good work
  17. Al pachino
  18. Worsham

    Oh Hai :D

    Welcome to the forums.
  19. Magic 8 ball predicts trash
  20. This is looking like it will change 1st person war shooters for good. They have taken todays problems and made it into a video, id like to see its release and the controversy it contains.
  21. well? lets see them
  22. This is Michael Jordan's Response to Lebron James' commercial..
  23. It's $5 or 10 bucks on the steam store go go go go
  24. Hey you need to watch your mouth that's my girlfriend your talking about
  25. didnt we have a beer post?
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