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Vasques 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Vasques 1st MRB

  1. LOL fucking magnets how do they work?
  2. HAX!!! I knew it phan!! XD you hacker
  3. count me in
  4. Parkway drive
  5. I freakin love Australia one of my favorite bands is from there too
  6. Happy birthday man have a good one
  7. AHAHAH that is epic
  8. sounds good to me xD
  9. wait wait wait... Did you say we can use the flaks? like actualy press 'E' and use those beasts? WOOT LOL best mother fuckin unit evaa
  10. Happy birthday man! have a good one
  11. ouch that freakin hurts
  12. i like how those kids act like they are heros doing that shit then cry like lil bitches lol
  13. ahahah i think that's the point
  14. lol I think the video is just a joke, that dude was doing it for some radio show or w.e
  15. Yea eheh, I was away for a while, had a lot of stuff going on but I'm back
  16. that looks fun
  17. AHAHA I know right? I had no idea I had this
  18. so true, great idea man, I thought of this but wasn't sure if I could find these kind of games, thanks for the share
  19. why do you think I only play on US servers xD
  20. OMG that was hilarious LOL
  21. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. nice topic btw I like to see other people's tastes
  22. lmfao that happens to me alot when I alt+tab
  23. Name: justinzrox Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:19544677 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Recomended duration of ban: I'm not sure Demo Provided?: N
  24. fucking sick game scholma, I'm gona buy it this monday I had the opportunity to play it yesterday I'm stunned
  25. bring all the hot chicks to his nice cleaned pool, but then...
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