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Everything posted by Hall

  1. Well done
  2. sometimes you have to show them ha ha it was 20f when we were doing that race and the wind was so bad i was freezing when we were done.
  3. some older pics
  4. Not bad I did enjoy this music
  5. Quite funny good video
  7. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142412...2264024472.html
  8. You've been unbanned, but you are already on record so if it happens a second time you will remain banned.
  9. Here is an article my girlfriend had published. http://www.thevetgazette.com/main/2012/11/...ters-story.html
  10. Hall


    What you need: Cotton Balls Polish Water Lighter Towel Put water in the top of the polish can and make sure you have more water. Dab a small amount of water on a cotton ball, get polish on the ball and begin the apply to the first few inches of the toe of the shoes. (It will not matter to polish the rest of the shoe because it will just crack off due to walking and look like crap and you will see the natural line where your foot bends to walk.) When the polish is applied use a lighter over the polish on the shoe quick movements back and fourth and it will begin to shine. Then while you are doing this have a cotton ball in the water in the tin. When the you are done heating the shoe get the cotton ball that is in the water and begin to shine the shoe in small circles where the polish was heated. You will notice how the shoe polish begins to fog, this is good for it. You will want to make sure that there is a good amount of water on the top of the shoe so you do not start pulling the polish off or making lines with the fabric of the cotton ball. You will notice water just falling off the shoe just dab the cotton ball back in the water to get more, place a towel on the floor . Replace the water cotton ball as many times as needed because it will get some polish on it and start to wear. Repeat the steps as many times as necessary and stop at the water ball when you are finished. Hope this helps have to polish boots all the time. If you need any more help with uniforms or polishing let me know.
  11. I feel bad for this border guard probably losing his job.
  12. sigh
  13. Weatherdon waking up
  14. Done banned for 24 hours.
  15. Song was not bad although i think i might have been getting high by watching the video
  16. The Books are called the Song of Ice and Fire Series by George RR Martin and have currently 5 out of the 7 books that are done. The TV series covers books 1 and 2. I would strongly suggest reading the books if that is something you are interested in or you can just watch the TV series and still be entertained.
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