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Everything posted by Hall

  1. Great Job as always!!
  2. I had always loved these games especially terror from the deep and UFO: Extraterrestrials a spin off of the xcom series.
  3. Name: BallSackNoodles(LikeABoss) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:30992549 http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/58685 Duration of ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Hacking, name changing in server, and tking. Was informed by SSgt. Panda Demo Provided?: N
  4. Here is one of mine lol http://youtu.be/1ygdAiDxKfI
  5. Very Cool collection
  6. When I applied for the police academy they looked over my facebook while they logged me in and had me go over every photo and comment for about an hour, and now it has become standard practice for any department. I had a good friend of mine get a job turned down just because of a facebook photo. My suggestion get rid of every photo that may be interpreted in a bad way or just deactivate it. Best of luck.
  7. You guys shop at the same store? Or were you two separated at birth? Maines and Percy hmmmmm...... questions
  8. Hall

    Quote Thread

    He should have to bad for him
  9. This was done when he was in the server
  10. Nice video very cool, I was the doorway in the last section trying to save the horse lol
  11. Funny good post
  12. Well the whole shooting you in the head was me preparing for you turning into a zombie. well lets make sure I dont run with them when we go fighting in the Amazon, I dont want to trip.
  13. Who wants to travel to the Amazon with me and find some crazy shit? We'll be armed and yes we'll most likely get killed but I believe it'll be a good time.
  14. We were doing first aid stuff for are certifications
  15. I work for the Sheriffs Office, I am granted with looking young and sounding older than I am.
  16. No thanks, I do this
  17. Just another day
  18. Done taken care of at 12:45 EST on 1/14/12
  19. I am 26 I live in Michigan I am a sheriffs deputy and spend most of my time working. When I am not working i try to spend my time relaxing and playing games and working out and hanging out with friends.
  20. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone be safe and drive safe. Speed enforcement is big this week take your time
  21. lol good job Dillon
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