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Everything posted by Hall

  1. Good video, defiantly a great time
  2. Very cool i will try to be there.
  3. heading to work
  4. Well.......
  5. Me and my dog
  6. Good video lol
  7. One of my favorite memories is during a realism match on Sturm Major Parker had me cover him while he went into the building by the bridge to kill guy. He told me if someone comes out to shoot them. The next thing I know a guy comes running out of the building and I shot him in the head.... to bad it was Major Parker lol. But we still won the realism
  8. HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Great video!
  10. Great Job Everyone!!!!
  11. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
  12. Look forward to this each month, great job everyone!!
  13. Once again great job on the newsletter!
  14. YES!!
  15. Happy Happy Birthday!
  16. lol told you i was a nerd :)

  17. Great Job on the news letter i look forward to it every month!
  18. Hall

    The Park

    See the thing is I would have to pay for the gas and use my equipment to do it. I hope my electric weedwhacker cord can go that far lol.
  19. Hall

    The Park

    As a resident that lives near several local parks in my area of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. I had received a letter from the City asking for volunteers to cut the grass of the parks seeing that it is no longer in the cities budget to continue to provide this service. When I was done reading this paper I was filled with anger to know that the only people that were going to hurt from this is the average member of the community. I asked myself why are these letters not going to the rich people in town who can afford to cut the grass? instead I have to wait to cut my grass every few weeks until I can get the extra cash to fuel my lawnmower. By then I had already received two notices from the city asking me to cut mine or I would be fined.
  20. I will be on tonight so msg me

  21. so i have those pics for you.

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