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Everything posted by Hall

  1. great job everyone, looks awesome!
  2. Whats a hate video?

  3. I agree part of the reasoning behind this was a 9 year old girl went to check the mail. She lived only about 2 miles away from my home. When a student at the college was texting on her phone and killed the kid. The kids family helped pushed the bill into getting passed into law.
  4. http://www.cm-life.com/2010/04/30/gov-jenn...h-winfrey-show/
  5. Hall

    Quote Thread

    "Things change now because there's too much conflict. People do whatever they feel like. They don't train their people no more. There’s no more respect." - Aniello "Mr. Neil" Dellacroce
  6. Hall


    Just wanted to say hello to everyone! Hope to get to play some DOD's with you all and shoot you with my rifle no PTU for me ..... lol
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