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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. YES! I remember last time Collazo stole my title...I hope I can regain the honor and win....MAH NEEM ES BENNAT! I WUR HELMAT!
  2. Only thing I dislike is the spawn system, its like CS, you die...youre dead for the whole battle. Another is once your tanks that arent the 2 starters get destoryed, you gotta spend credits to repair. Other than that, and if they kinda tweak it here and there, it will be an amazing game.
  3. I was in a tank unit for Red Orchestra and Darkest Hour....therefore I love anything about tanks We should so make a unit in this, 1st MAB
  4. I already put this up in the other games forum, but yea its pretty alright. Its pretty alright, the whole damage system is kinda shitty, along with screenlag and server crashs but they plan on fixing things with the new hotfix and add new weapons later on. We'll see, I remember the good ol days of the first Firearms from HL1
  5. Its a pretty nice little mod that first came out back in the orginal Half Life days, now they brought it to Source. Moddb Suggest giving it a look, its pretty awesome, its always planned to release today.
  6. So you wank on a piece of bread and put 2 cigarettes on it and eat it? Turkey, roast beef and ham with a slice of cheddar with white bread or whole grain bread
  7. "Food of the Gods" is ramen noodles.
  8. First is a MP40 the next is a BAR
  9. YESSSSS! Warhammer 40,000 ANYTHING is amazing. I highly advise *If you read* to pick up some books like Eisenhorn or Gaunt's Ghosts. OH and soulstorm sucks nuff said... SPHESS MAHREENS!
  10. Red Orchestra has a good idea, there were built in mic abilities that limited the range of your mic from either the whole game, the team or to the people around you.
  11. I got them in places im not allowed to show...wait what?
  12. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  13. Bennett


    I join the ranks of WoW nerds.... Played since pre bc (orginal ony patch) Illidan Horde Beerandtatas = 80 Sham Moon Guard Alliance Bjorn = 40 Warrior
  14. That has to be the most GAYEST colors for any shoes EVER!
  15. Team Roomba does pretty good tf2 griefing
  16. What about mine?
  18. "Let off some steam, Bennett." -Arnold Schwarzenegger
  19. teehee rectal
  20. Longjohnson and Heraldofrice are mine.
  21. Been following this game, wonder if anyone else has. Looks pretty neat, kinda like the movie Sniper with Tom Berenger. It seems almost like Sniper Elite but not based on ww2. Seems to be singleplayer and mutliplayer
  22. I gave 5 bucks to an african child and he bought a vuvuzela D: Im gonna beat him with it...
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