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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. I love it, i recommend you get mods for it from moddb.com like LURK for sure.
  2. Bennett

    Quote Thread

    Pfc. S. Bennett [1st MRB] has earned the achievement Broomhandler deadchick|ßÄЯ|: i can't believe you earned an achievment on me!! deadchick|ßÄЯ|: i feel so used Pfc. S. Bennett [1st MRB]: kinky Pfc. S. Bennett [1st MRB]: well heres your 2 dollars...
  3. Most deadliest weapon ever made.
  4. Everything seems to work just fine except for medic mod, but if you kill someone it disconnects everyone. Been testing with Goodwin and a pubber, seems to be the only real problem.
  5. Super glue it...
  6. Pictures or stories of the ones youve seen before, post em here.
  7. Ive been checking with others and they have had the same problem. Its probably a steam mess up, there was an update that downloaded for me. At the moment all servers are down so its a steam thing. Restarting doesnt help either. We should hold hands and sing kumbaya becauses it clearly the end of the world with steam failing at updates. Practice for tonight is cancelled and will be tomorrow, same place same time.
  8. uthera with a rusty... (Jeez just saying that sounds painful...)
  9. STD ridden...
  10. man meat with...
  13. Kissmequick is from the netherlands if I remember correctly.
  14. Try and spot all the 1st members in the cast.
  15. Got dem braindawgs
  16. Grats, good thing she has arms, was kinda worried there
  17. Phan I love you long time.
  18. Bennett

    WW2 In HD

    Pretty neat little miniseries from the history channel, if you havent watched it yet, I highly recommend it.
  19. DAMN at 1:30 Titus Pullo....ftw
  20. "Let off some steam, Bennett" el oh el
  21. Bennett


    Due to it being 4:26 here and bored out of my mind I decided to go to the website of my favorite channel of all time and screw around. So here.
  22. How does the snake miss the kid? He still inside him....
  23. Tribute to men of true badassery.
  24. What?
  25. It was great minus me having to see his ass...
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