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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. Make up, lipstick, eyeliner and in a leather skirt. I'm not gay.
  2. Bennett

    Quote Thread

    Its ok Wells, I dream about him too...wait what?
  3. This is what ive been doing in my LOA time. The badass helmet I get, theres only 2 of them out of the 33...I think only 2 out of the 12 speaking officer parts (Which I am) All the others are like brushes for officers the normal guys get knobs.
  4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is based in the Zone of Alienation and yea Chernobly and all that....then again im pretty sure there arent bloodsuckers and artifacts to be found....
  5. Richard "Dick" Winters dies at the age of 92.
  6. Hah welcome back, foreskin wallets and gun butter for all.
  7. Bennett


    Detheroc is totally dead im sure, I played there pre BC on the alliance side.
  8. Last night was the premiere of the american Top Gear on History Channel.....Its just not the damn same!
  9. Geralt is coming back for a second time, game looks pretty good. Look it up on Steam.
  10. eh im more concern with my processor bieng able to handle Black Ops >.>
  11. Wonder if its worth getting...I have a AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor, apparently I fail the minimum requirements....eh alteast my card its a 9800 GT
  12. Well....Reznov is in Black Ops....pretty win...
  13. They need to add Imperial Guard.
  14. Refuse to play DoW2 until they add IG.
  15. Son of a bitch I just shaved my pubes into a lightning bolt....
  16. A game should be able to stand up on its own with singleplayer alone imo.
  17. Apparently the AUG in Black Ops is the proto type one......the prototype had the grip.....in Black Ops ...IT DOESNT!
  18. Granted but its pink and has all the typical writings of a passed out person at a party on it. "Penus" I wish for a wish
  19. Granted, but hes rabid and upside down and talks with a lisp I wish I could go to sleep already!
  20. Granted, except im there in a french maid outfit putting it together...oh wait I WISH.....Id get my rank back
  21. Apparently looks like early November for US tanks....
  22. ANYWAY, Heres mine.
  23. Bennett

    Garry's Mod

    EW RP SERVER GET IT AWAAAAAY! I cant talk, im an old ICANNT.org and a D3vine one...*cough*
  24. I thought it would of been Schumacher but apparently not, just a publicity stunt which made me sadface.
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