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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. Sadly they'll never reveal The Stig's true idenity
  2. Sorry, he has nothing on The Stig. Though Ken Block is very good, me and brother typical go to sponsored rally race in a giant parking lot at a universty which is always alot of fun....nothing like this thought but I always did wanna rally race etc like Block.
  3. Maybe....kill/bang? Kill first then bang?....I see nothing wrong. (NOT LOVING THE EMPEROR IS HERESY!)
  4. "She really over-reacts whenever she catches me wearing her underwear." I dont see whats wrong with that...
  5. I always jokingly called it a pineapple...
  6. Here ya go. This is another useful bit of information.
  7. Awesome game, I was in a realism unit and a tanker unit for RO and what not...never know what will happen. Its abit too realistic for some, some hate the controls (Free look etc)
  8. Also give Moddb a look for some as well. Yesterday was Empire at War gold...problem is they didnt have enough keys so im stuck waiting and looking at the awesome mods for it...
  9. Who needs a foregrip! This man is too busy to worry about barrel burns and shit!
  10. I like how people say "Not enough fruit" or "Needs fruit"....when about 100% of all the men in those pictures are gay. Do we mean fruit as in food or fruit as in homosexual?
  11. I had a pet main coon before....awesome cat.
  12. To me....Mortal Kombat games are just getting meh.....only reason I see to buy em anymore is for the fatalities.
  13. If you are one of these people that know of this 4chan collective operation...it went well. For those that dont know, Operation Strangelove is a 4chan operation to give a veteran of WW2 an awesome 90th birthday yesterday. Good job anon....good job.
  14. Oatmeal raisin bran? What is this healthy crap!? I mean....oh...nice one, I was actually tempted to make a recipe section for the newsletter but being the kentucky redneck I am....I had to make a gun article.
  15. http://allods.gpotato.com/?m=game&a=history Pretty interesting free MMO game. It seems very very much like Warhammer and World of Warcraft rolled into one. Visuals are pretty neat, classes and races are awesome. Apparently its made by a russian company or whatever and is by far the most expensive free MMO to date, costing 12 million dollars to make. Ive been playing it and so far its pretty awesome, very fun and plenty of population. Give it a look and give it a try, so far its sated my World of Warcraft addiction lol. Two servers and so far, I cant really tell which is more populated etc, plenty of US and European players, so you'll run into english speakers basically.
  16. Yup...When I went to my school the only thing I cared about or wanted to do was in ROTC...all the other classes were complete shit. Its always funny when in the morning and the SgtMaj. walks around in the hallway and sees some kid in a classroom not stand up for the pledge in the morning, he rapes em hardcore, gets in their face and whatnot...
  17. Sorry! I messed up the BAR nomenclature, on the barrel lenght is suppose to be 610 mm 24 in.
  18. Irish, Scottish, German, Polish, Russian, British/Canadian and a tad of Mongolian from what I know.
  19. Wait wait wait...you wack it and flush it...I mean you made it feel so good with the wack then you flush the poor thing?
  20. Time to make a guardsman ftw.
  21. I was allowed to beta test a part of it last weekend, was pretty amazing and hella fun. Im very much waiting for another invite for sure, as an old SWG player im happy to see another good Star Wars MMO coming out. www.stwor.com is the site, suggest lookin at it and what not they have updates every friday I believe. Imperial Agent and Trooper class for me.
  23. Were talkin about cartoons not pornos.
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