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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. Happy Birthday.
  2. Christopher Walken....
  3. Pride and a hard on.
  4. If you havent yet and you can cough up 2 bucks, I highly recommend Sniper Elite.
  5. Missed it on Sunday but Colonel in my ROTC taped it and we watched today for the officer period at school, damn good stuff. Was hoping we'd get to watch this because he always showed the band of brothers to the officers around the ending of the year and I dont feel like watching that for the 483621st time. Plus its all Marine stuff and the rotc is marine based so even better. I also highly recommend "With The Old Breed" the book Sledge wrote. Oh and happy john basilone day for all you new jersery people.
  6. Its worse when she eats it and you go for the backdoor...
  7. I hated the exact same thing, I got BC2 yesterday, so far I have yet to encounter at moment in time where I was running aimlessly for 10 minutes to get to the battle and then dying before I got there, most maps are pretty much scaled perfectly, one thing I hate is the lighting sometimes, but other than that an awesome game (Beats the hell out of MW2 any day in my book)
  8. Going outside at 6 in morning when there was 7 inchs of snow on the ground and still snowing in my boxers and slippers with nothing else on.
  9. Almost everything from the Military Channel, but the select few I love the most have got to be: Top Ten Future weapons 20th Century Battlefields Battle Plan (And I always love Top Gear due to the fact I love/work on cars)
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