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Dead Chick BAR

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Dead Chick BAR last won the day on April 21

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About Dead Chick BAR

  • Birthday 10/27/1983

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  • Location
    Oakland, CA

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Springfield Sniper Rifle

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  1. Name: Grates Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:776907240 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbotting, Team Killing Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Started spec'ing him for aimbot suspicion, saw him very intentionally TK as well. Untitled video (14).mp4
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  2. I think the deleting the bandage file fixed that particular problem, which may have been the main problem. I've verified local files, I've reinstalled, I've loaded a fresh config. I'm not sure what it means to start in alternate install path. I'm now pretty sure the issue is with my ISP, tho. The problems I'm having are definitely at their worst on 1st MRB, but I tried other servers & it's still there, not as pronounced. So I think it's just my crap internet. But it's not doing that bandage spam thing anymore, so that helps that little bit. Thanks!
  3. I've been having a ton of trouble all of a sudden with frame rate & connectivity. I think some of this is my internet at home, but one weird thing is that when I go to use medic, my console becomes flooded with a constant stream of the following message: Failed to create decoder for MP3 [ bandage\bandage.mp3 ] it repeats over and over and over very fast & I think slows down the game (but I'm not sure.) Everything seems to be a mess. Halp?
  4. Your face is intriguing, McDowell
  5. Another drunk posting night?

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