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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. I'm resurrecting this from the dead. Why? I'm curious - did this ever happen?
  2. Interestingly enough, I was considering doing something similar - although not with Angular (yuck); just going to use a nice PHP framework. I feel Angular just is more complicated than it needs to be (apparently, I am not alone) I'll admit, I don't know much about node besides it looks really cool - I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I was considering Laravel 5 - basically automating most of everything (including the creation of post markup depending on task performed). I'm interested to see how this plays out - let me know if you need help!
  3. Name: Rockstar Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:96598808 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Blatant Hacking Demo Provided?: N Comments: Running around the map getting repeated headshots with a BAR against entire waves of spawn as they were leaving spawn. Banned by WO. Griswold witnessed by myself.
  4. Whatever beer I have in my keggerator (homebrew); I generally try to have 3-4 varieties on tap at any given time. A stout of some sort (in there now is an Agave Imperial Stout), an IPA of some sort (Zombie Dust clone), a lighter ale of some sort (New Glarus Spotted Cow clone) but right now tap #4 is empty Given the great weather I'd like to brew - but all my brew stuff is in the process of being packed up in hopes of our move to our new house. Commercial beer I enjoy? Well, that depends. I don't mind cheap stuff - Moosehead is probably my favorite of the cheaper stuff. Wild Onion (local chicago area brewery) makes a double IPA called Hop Slayer that is FANTASTIC! Beers I try to have on hand at any time include: various New Glarus offerings, Moosehead, Old Rasputin (russian imperial stout), and Hop Devil - this usually can answer to about any taste someone might have while hanging at my house when they're in the mood for commercial stuff. Hard liquor? Depends on my mood. I found MY whiskey - Cabin Fever - the best (sweetest) maple whiskey I've ever had. Just put that shit on ice and sip away. I've got some scotch, rum, vodka, various puckers, tequilas, various schnapps, etc. At our wedding we had over $1k worth of various hard liquors to try and appease any appetite. The only thing that got drank really was about a 1/2 bottle of Vodka (of which we had 3 or 4 I think). So our cabinet is stocked - but I tend to stick to a beer here and there with some whiskey every now and again.
  5. Gonna ask what may be an odd question - but seeing as we have a lot of SNES love (I had every gaming system growing up, Nintendo, Sega, SNES, Playstation, etc.); I used to be a gaming NERD.. Big time. There was a game for SNES that was insanely fun - called Uniracers (IIRC) - does anyone remember it? Turns out it only was sold during initial release (300k copies) then had to stop because Pixar sued the game due to the fact that their unicycle looked too much like some short video they made in 1987. I played that game a lot. I loved it. Over the years I forgot about it. Considering trying to revive it by making a port for mobile phones - curious if anyone remembers it.
  6. He has been unbanned.
  7. Firstly, I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving day! Secondly, I wanted to thank everyone for being a part of one of the best communities on the internet. I've been a member here for a good number of years now and I can say without question that this community is the best around. The friendships I've established over the years have surpassed the online world and I've met a good handful of you in person (or will in the future). Members that are no longer part of the unit, current members and members who were around before this unit even began - and I have had the good great fortune to meet, play with and hang out with many of you often. Thank you for the years of fun gaming, the years of great chatter on vent, the years of laughter and good times shared together. I think the 1st MRB really embodies the idea of Thanksgiving and is deserving of a holiday as such. Yes, I know Thanksgiving is so much larger than the 1st MRB, but there is something to be said about our unit and this holiday. The 1st gives back to it's members the same as it's members give their time and dedication to this unit. That's what originally drew me into this unit years ago - the word of the unit was exemplified by every member and there was such depth of character. Everyone brings something to the unit - and everyone has the same opportunity to take things away from this unit; friendships, skills, abilities and more. Thanks to everyone - I feel like a really lucky fellow to be part of such an amazing unit with some of the best players and people on the internet. Again - I hope everyone enjoys this day with family and friends - eat well, stay warm and have a great day. If anyone is in need of a place to go - if you're in the Chicago area, feel free to stop by. More than enough Turkey and fixins for many here and we're always glad to have more to celebrate with. Cheers guys & gals - stay safe and enjoy the holiday.
  8. Agreed. Sit in PVP long enough and you get epics. Roll through the LFR feature these days - get epics. There are so many mods/addons that basically play the game for you - "SHIT ON THE FLOOR, MOVE" "STUFF FALLING ON YOU, MOVE", "DPS NOW", etc. Our guild was alliance and in WoTLK we were top 3 on our server for most of the expansion. That said, we were also a CASUAL raiding guild, only 2 nights per week - and we were able to be top 3 on the server. That was the big sign to me that said "this shit is too easy these days" and I quit playing after Cataclysm. It just lost it for me. Too much grinding to get to end game, only to see n00bs who don't do shit getting end-game quality gear while the raiders work their ass of for the same gear. PvP was a fun aspect too, but they babied that up too - play enough? Get the epics. Then just wait around to roll n00bs. I'm over my WoW days for sure - boredom makes me consider reinstalling, but then I remember they make you pay to play. Nah, too many other free games that are just as good for killing time and less filled with e-peen loving children. I work for a school district - one of the Assist. Principals at one of the schools plays WoW, he loves it. He's kind of new to it (I think he got into it around Cataclysm, maybe WoTLK); he talks to me about it all the time. The more he talks about it the more it makes me realize "wow, they've babied this game down to almost no skills involved at all levels - so glad I quit" Don't do it Viktor. I griped about the loss of 50-man raids since day 1 of BC until the day I quit playing. It killed so much of the 'group' orientation of the game.
  9. Just woke up after a food coma.... wow! Thanks guys ... but I should stop eating so much Hungry Jack.
  10. I heard it will have HL3. I'm excited because it's going to Linux. Games are the only reason I use Windows - Linux is better IMO. If all the games are available on Linux and this causes a huge push (like it should) for linux based systems - I'll be one happy camper on that goal alone.
  11. I currently have both an iPhone5 (work) and a Galaxy S3 (personal). I updated to iOS7 - I was underimpressed by a lot. They finally got around to making the interface more like... well... Android. They put features into iOS7 that Android has had for well over a year now (almost 2!). Needless to say, I was hugely let down. There is literally no real innovation in iOS7, they were just 'catching up' to where Android was a year ago. The new Android is almost out (if not out now, I'm not sure); so why they made iOS7 so under-whelming is surprising to me. I prefer Android because it's far more intuitive and user friendly on almost every level - and important things (to me) like VPN and hot-spot are very simple to get to (2-3 taps on the screen) - on the iPhone I have to search for specific apps to help the phone do what I need it to and it can be less that intuitive. Even after 3 months, I'm still finding things about the phone that make me go "ohhhhhh, that is how you do that?", because it's just not as easy/uncomplicated as Android. So when iOS7 was more like Android - at first I was excited, then I realized that was almost all it was - more like Android. Nothing that really set it apart or made it any better than Android - just a lot of features that tried to make it more like the current (aging) Android. I was hugely let down. I was also hugely let down by the 5s release - the list of 'new' or 'innovative' features on that phone is almost non-existant and outdone by the latest Android phones that have been on the market already. iPhones are a dying thing IMO, and the latest iOS kind of proves that - they're doing their best to keep up, but only that - just keeping up, not innovating.
  12. That was HILARIOUS!!! So funny in fact that I posted it to my wifes facebook. I laughed so hard my wife was like "what? what is so funny!??!?"
  13. Pretty much sums up how I see reenactments. Very cool that they have all the equipment and vehicles. But I could never be in one nor watch. Cool video though! I have a friend out in PA who used to say the same thing. He was into WWII - but would have never 'done that'. Finally, he broke down and tried one. He's hooked, can't stop going to them and getting further and further into it.
  14. for $5, I had to. I just... had to.
  15. I put both. Largely left-handed here, however I've broken that hand to the point of needing surgery twice (once MX related, once stupidity related); during college I needed to write, so I quickly taught myself to write with my right hand. Interestingly enough, I also golf and bat right handed, but throw left handed, bowl left handed and do most other things leftie. In baseball when I bat leftie I tend to be far more powerful, but I'm far more consistent batting right.
  16. Depends. I use Linux fairly frequently as it's my server. Also have a laptop with Ubuntu Desktop on it - which sees use on the days I'm hanging out in the garage brewing beer. But I've also got a windows 2008 R2 box here at the house too (on an ESXi server setup with a couple virtual boxes on it currently). I goof around a lot with different OS's, but not as much as I used to. I primarily use Windows 7 for most day to day stuff.
  17. My summers are usually full. For some strange reason - I get busy in the summer. I'm talking in the "oh, I have a full time job a part time job and have 2 other clients who want websites done like yesterday and my kids want to spend time with me on their summer vacation" kind of busy. I coach diving in the evenings (7-9) and on Friday mornings through the week in addition to my regular 7am - 3:45pm job so that alone is a huge time sink! Then top it off with my kids and making sure they get quality time with dad and clients who think the world will end if their website isn't updated right away or their stuff adjusted on their site, etc. and I struggle to find a way to sleep more than 4-5 hours on a given night just to keep up with the 'must be done' portion of my life. With summer winding down, my extra jobs have dwindled off - kids are back at their moms - things are slowing again to a point I can get a decent nights sleep. I bought a motorcycle about a month ago to help with commute between jobs and to do some sport touring. My wife and I are new to sport touring. She's new to motorcycling all together (I grew up riding since age 11) - but she's decided to jump into the world of street with both feet along side me. So with our new (to us) Bandit sitting in the garage (for the past month, except for a few commutes to work), I was anxious to actually go somewhere on the bike. We thought about it and decided on Galena, IL / Dubuque, IA initially. About a 2-3 hour ride depending on traffic coming out of the Chicago burbs. We called around for hotels but couldn't find any - almost 100% of the hotels were fully booked! After some long consideration we decided to scratch that plan and go with something a little closer. Kirkendall will have to wait a little longer until we see each other again. We were told Lake Geneva was a fun town so we decided to head out in search of it. As it turns out, my wife has a friend who has a summer home there, so she advised us of some good places to eat and said we could swing by a little later in the day. Done deal - Lake Geneva was our destination; to top it off, the map said it would be an easy ride with just 2 main roads to get us there. Originally we thought about staying overnight, but at just 1.5 hours away we figured a day trip was in order. It was a chilly morning (around 60-65 degrees); but we made it there. We were both getting ready for a short stop, when we saw the sign; we had arrived! Stopped in to get some breakfast at a place just down the street from this joint behind us. It was called "Simple" and it was really, really good! After breakfast we decided to head out and just ride around the area - maybe catch a glimpse of some of the huge mansions we saw around the lake on our way in. After we drove around a bit, we found this gem of a road - gorgeous multi-million dollar homes lined this heavily wooded amazing country road that twisted up and down over hills. A LOT of fun to ride, even more fun to look at the houses! After cruising around the area for a bit we decided to stop and take a break near the downtown area. The parking was cheap, and the motorcycle spots were within a block of all the downtown shops, art museums and touristy stuff. Across the street was a little shop that had these metal sculptures out front. Kind of cool up close, the dragon one was really neat as well (it's a bit further back on the right). Went to the kitchen store and my wife (art teacher) really liked these rainbow-esque glasses. They were neat, but plastic. My wife won't eat off plastic plates or drink out of plastic cups - I don't get it. We were near the pier, so we decided to take a boat tour - they had a 2 hour tour that went the entire length of the lake, or a 1 hour tour that did about 1/2 the lake and focused more on the mansions/history to the lake. We did the 1 hour tour. This house was gigantic. It's hard to tell from this picture, but it was still being built. We were looking on our phones on some of the real estate apps (Zillow primarily) to get an idea of prices. All the houses on the lake were multi-million dollar homes. Taxes ranged everywhere from $16,000 and up. There were additional 'lake taxes' or something to that effect that ranged from $60,000 and up. That's right, the owners of these homes pay around $60,000-$120,000+ just in taxes, each year! Then we saw this - the largest house on the lake. While there was one single family house that was 7 stories, this 4 story house actually was larger (also single family originally). The insane detail in this thing was wild, marble walls, custom painted / carved ceilings by a painter from Europe, amazing floors - a table in the dining room that could seat 100 people! The roof originally had a bunch of willow trees growing on it in huge pots, but the roots eventually broke through to the roof and caused some structure issues so they were removed. That was in addition to the 14ft. deep Olympic sized swimming pool on the roof (which is still there). The sheer size of it was insane - both my wife and I thought it was a hotel or resort of some sort when we first saw it; it was simply too big to be a single family home (or so we thought). The history to the house was really cool as well. One of the basements was originally used to hold huge chunks of ice harvested from the lake, then a series of fans and ductwork blew the chilled air through the house (primitive air conditioning). It's the huge stone house on the left in this picture. After the tour we went to my wifes friends house and hung out for a bit. Then we headed home. It was a fun little ride - 1.5 hours up to the lake. Had the weather been a little warmer it would have been more enjoyable, cloud cover all day and it never got over 68 degrees with a constant breeze. We didn't have any bike issues, so all in all - a success. Figured anyone considering that as a destination might enjoy. Cheers!
  18. Thanks! Yeah my research showed me that too. I think I'll settle for a Harbor Freight one to learn on and do to the little welding I need done for now. Then upgrade later on. OR I might get a steal of a deal on CL, I'll have to check. Thanks. I too, thought about the Harbor Freight direction. Cheap, and learnable. But from what I had read it was just too sketchy to really make me pull the trigger. From people saying it didn't get hot enough to having theirs break after a few uses. I decided to just save my cash. If I ever need one, I can go get one. But as for now, I'd rather just wait for the 'right time'. Let me know how the Harbor Freight version works out - I'm totally curious.
  19. I have wanted to get into welding - currently I don't do any. Good buddy of mine is a steel-worker (owns his own steel company); he told me to go with Miller or Lincoln MIG welders and that used for a decent one would probably be $300. I know it's a little out of your price range but one of those brands would probably do exactly what you wanted and if you watch craigslist or ebay closely you might be able to snag one.
  20. As a guy who lives outside Chicago - I can say murders far more racially motivated and far more violent occur on a DAILY basis here but receive no national news coverage. We have wanna be cops here, we have lots of dumb stuff. Gangs, race murders, etc. etc. White guy in the wrong 'hood? Dead. I personally don't give two craps about Zimmerman or the dead kid - why? Because way worse is committed around Chicago daily. The media whores who sensationalize one case instead of standing up for the THOUSANDS of other murders occurring on a weekly basis should be fired and the public who stays glued to this stuff should really learn to not play into the media so easily.
  21. Agreed. Avast is a bit too resource intensive for me. MSE is very low resources and does a great job for being a free component. I put it on all my PC's and family pc's and I recommend it highly. DO NOT USE NORTON, OR MCAFEE!! Those are HORRIBLE. They slow your pc to a crawl and will do a lot of clogging up of the registry for no reason.
  22. Just because everyone is raging like a bunch of raped whales, I'm going to get the xbox eventually. Once again, I won't be buying the Sony offering. PS has been less than stellar since ps2 - and their game library has fallen. PS3 had an entire YEAR to make that machine MURDER the xbox, but they fell flat on their face. In that time the xbox library of games just grew and grew. The 2 saving graces of the PS3 were blu-ray (meh) and wireless built-in (meh); That's it? Oh, lets not forget their free online network (which even PS3 fans admit is far from the quality of xblive) Now we've got another 2 systems that will once again be so closely matched it's disgusting! But people are whining because xbox is taking some steps (that I have a sinking feeling will soon be echoed by others in some form or fashion), but they were crucified for being open and up front about it. I've known guys who worked at Sony - the way these companies work, if one is doing it, the other either is also doing it or is working on something exactly like it. But if something was so horribly received, why would any company ever say "oh yea, we were gonna do that, too", they wouldn't. But don't think for once second that the thought hadn't crossed their mind (or still is and they're thinking on how to work it in 'behind the scenes' so the American public is less aware). Get real folks. Crying about some flaws that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual gameplay or graphic abilities of the xbox is absurd. To say one system is better than the other because of things that aren't even relating to the actual playing of the system is like saying one girl is a good fuck because she's hotter or more popular than the other chick. Completely unrelated.
  23. Thanks guys! Happy Fathers Day to all the other dads in the unit as well. Me and the boys have had a fun day playing with army men around the house, I've been setting up an ESXi server that will house a virtual 2008 R2 server and an Ubuntu server, and I will be retiring my old server in the garage. May even brew up a 'midnight' beer tonight. Only time will tell.
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