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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. While I prefer PC gaming - inevitably there will be some motocross game that gets released for one of the systems that will make me purchase. I will go xbox - simply because it works with everything else in my house typically. The way I've been able to seamlessly integrate my 360 and the fact it had such a huge library of games (of which I only play MX and NHL) is neat, too. I've never been a big Sony fan - and people who raved about the PS3 forget that it came out about a year after the xbox. That means they had an entire EXTRA year of R&D to put out something awesome - the best they came up with was blu-ray and built in wireless, otherwise the specs were very similar (save for slightly faster rendering of graphics on PS3 - but again, it was a year newer!). It should have blown the xbox away, but it didn't. Having played a host of MX games on both systems (both single player and online) the online environment is hands down better with xbox. Sony has quite a ways to go IMO in that arena as well. This time they're coming out much closer in time frames. It will be interesting - but I think with MS' relationship with so many more developers their game library will help them keep the PS4 in check regardless of used game markets. I've only ever bought 3 used games in my lifetime - so I don't really care. And the large majority of gamers who buy these systems first thing upon release? Well, clearly they have enough money they won't be going used for quite some time either. I don't see it becoming an issue until a year or so down the road when people are actively seeking used games - and by then? I'm sure plenty of other things will have come out in similar shape/fashion that will make it a trivial point (if still an existent point at all). Microsoft doesn't usually set huge precedents when it comes to risky maneuvers so I imagine the either know something about the market we don't - or they'll make some changes to their policies before it's said and done. Just my $.02.
  2. It's always been that way in some form or fashion, we're just noticing it more now because it's taking on a form that is more apparent and in the open. Look at family law - fathers have gotten RAPED by the court system for decades - my buddy has 50% of his check go directly to his ex (and he doesn't make much), after child support he doesn't make enough to even rent a roach-infested apartment and is forced to live at home. The judge also makes him pay for his exes attorney fees every time they go to court (once a month) and a whole host of other things. That kind of story is pretty typical (I went through 4 years of that shit with my ex), but it's a different form/fashion of raping and is largely out of the public eye. The 'roadblocks and barriers' you spoke of only exist for those who know that they exist - those same roadblocks and barriers got constantly trampled on in the past as well, but when the people who were getting trampled on didn't know any better, who was to say? This day in age, with how fast word/news spreads - I think things often seem bigger than they really are. I'm not saying our government isn't plowing us in the behind and smiling while doing it (and not even offering a reacharound!); but I also think that a large portion of injustice has always been there, just less noticeable.
  3. Every psychologist everywhere who has ever profiled someone who was part of a high-profile murder/terrorist attack would say the same thing (and have said the same thing on national news outlets); but by in large the American media refuses to listen to science and psychology and continues to offer "round the clock" broadcast footage of events "live" as they're happening - in effect giving those who commit these terrible acts, the fame they so desire. Part 1. The media - they need to shoulder some blame - because they point at everything/anyone as long as the ratings show someone is watching. Part 2. The citizens - Yep. You, me, our parents, etc. We're to blame because we've let it get to a point that we have to even have this discussion - if people weren't always trying to find the next big thing by 'shocking' people a lot of weird things would cease to go on. And everyone is so worried about themselves these days, that the only way things happen is if something truly horrible occurs - the little things that in the past were considered major faux paus, are now "socially accepted", and the limit for what's bad and wrong continues to raise higher and higher. What's that to say for our future generations? Who knows - but I personally feel awful for those coming after us. They are growing up knowing nothing more than greed and selfishness! What will they teach their kids? We've go nowhere to go but down, down, down. Shame on all of us for allowing it to get to this point. Part 3. The government - yep, big brother. It isn't new though, just slightly more glamorized now. If you think they haven't been watching since day 1, it's time to take the blinders off. They track everything - they just don't make it known that they know; it's been that way for years. At the level of government, it's a game. It's all a game about power and control; what the general populace doesn't know, won't hurt them - is a pretty fair statement of the mindset many have in the upper echelons of government. But I digress. Thinking about how crappy this world is and how much crappier it gets every day isn't good for anyone. Big brother? Meh, who cares. It's not anything that hasn't already been going on.
  4. One of my favorite shows. Yama, the snippet you posted is one of my favorite parts! I actually have a shirt - that shirt - it's blue with an outline of a pocket drawn on it. Some people get it and compliment me on it. I have the first 4 seasons :-D It's such a fun show - and I like how although random/strange things happen - they are always trying to do the right thing.
  5. LMFAO - that was AWESOME!
  6. Got some sweatpants, a new visor, a new tie, scrabble and scrabble flash. Fun Christmas! Got my boys so many toys I never want to see wrapping paper again.
  7. I threw mine in also, but didn't see anywhere to put my name. Who cares however, as long as it went through - I was happy :-D Glad your phone went nuts
  8. That particular steam ID is linked to a player permanently banned.
  9. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong - but lerp, interp, rates and that is more related to your internet speeds and adjustment of hitboxes dependent upon that. These settings are highly dependent upon your internet connection, how stable it is, if you're dropping packets, etc. So if you set them uber low and you are 'in the red' or have a lot of 'choke', you're in trouble. Everyone's PC is different for the most part with regards to these settings and they should be setup and tweaked dependent upon your machine, your connection, etc. Realistically? Stock will work just fine in most cases, but on the pro player portion of the spectrum it can help to tweak them in certain cases. The rest of the config I believe maximizes settings that are (as Engle said) a huge performance gain for lesser PC's - although it will make the game run even easier on a high end machine (not that it really matters at that point). You can read article after article about the lerp, rates and interp settings and the effect they can have on your gaming.
  10. He has been banned.
  11. Taken care of by Magoo
  12. Magoo took care of this - they have been banned.
  13. This thread delivers! Happy Birthday Dawson!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. .....OMFG. I was laughing like crazy - my wife... not so much. She watched about 10 seconds then said "what the fuck is this?" and shut it off. I laughed even harder then.
  15. How do you get the tabs? Is it like a plugin or something? Here is mine:
  16. LOL! Love that video. Hilarious! Oldie but a goodie!
  17. Wow! nice!
  18. Whatever they have on hand I don't have to pay for.
  19. Presidents of the United States of America
  20. Man I seriously love reading these. It's a highlight to my day.
  21. Avalanche! Dobbles and myself were trying so hard on release to get anything to play. If I remember correctly he set up an older PC he had as a server so we could get to playing even a little. Man oh man, I remember it like it was yesterday!
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