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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. I'm not 100% sure, but if you've ever heard of DD-WRT Firmware for routers, they basically 'unlock' a lot of features most routers typically have on lock-down. It can essentially turn a $50 Linksys WRT-54G into a $500 router. You can adjust signal strength coming from the router, set up VPN's, monitor absolutely everything, and if you know enough, probably set up limits dependent upon PC's. I'm not sure how comfortable you are updating firmware or what kind of a router you have, but you might want to look into it - if nothing else you might be able to boost the signal a bit from your router, allowing it to be a more stable connection.
  2. Also, with regards to wireless gaming, I know plenty of folks who play reliably on wireless with fast ping, and just as little lag as a wired person. For a long time I played xbox live and all my PC games on wireless and had no issues with irregular lag spikes. However, I realize sometimes things are setup incorrectly, and there can be interference and such. I PREFER wired, but if it needs to be done, one can game fine on wireless with little to no issue as long as they have a good connection with no interference. I don't feel wireless is the culprit here just yet...
  3. Make sure drivers for your extra hardware is up to date. Although, it sounds like it could be packets dropping on their way between the server and your computer. At one point I had an issue like this playing WoW - I'd get these MASSIVE lag spikes, and my vent would drop, and my game would DC. This went on for days, I contacted EVERYONE I could think of. Luckily, a guildie happened to be a network tech for a living - together him and I spent about 4-6 hours running various diagnostics. In the end of it all - my video card drivers needed updating badly. They were the original ones installed (I thought I had updated, but apparently the update didn't take). What I did find was that occasionally packets were dropping - but they were getting dropped somewhere in the bouncing from ISP servers, not from my PC. First and foremost, make sure your drivers are ALL updated for ALL your hardware. If it is - then I'd start looking for tracert commands which will allow you to see where your packets are going, and where the lag spikes are coming from. There's a good chance that it might be like mine, and something on your ISP's side is dropping a packet here and there, which causes irregular lag spikes that happen at interval like that. If you'd like I can dig up the tracert commands & netstat information you run from cmd prompt for you, as long as you're 100% positive your drivers for ALL of your hardware are up to date.
  4. I've been playing guitar for over 15 years now (damn, I'm getting old fast). I've played bass for almost just as long. I play a Dean custom shop Corina Cadillac that was made in '96 in Plant City Florida. I've also got an old strat knock off (peavey falcon - 1st guitar) that i've refretted and strung with nasty heavy strings (a la Stevie Ray Vaughn) - I totally understand the guillotining of fingers! I'm down to just 1 bass - a Dean Q5 that plays like a dream. I used to have a handfull of other stuff and was up to 4 or 5 guitars and around 3 basses at one point. But that was just overkill. I've played a couple Gretsch guitars here and there, and they've ALWAYS played really well for me. I like them, and from what I've experienced and what others have always told me, they're really well made and quality instruments. I imagine if you pick it up - you won't be dissapointed. The other nice part about nicer guitars is that you can ALWAYS customize to make them play/sound EXACTLY how you want, without worry that you'll have to change a lot of things because of cheap parts. Looks like a nice axe, I'd go for it!
  5. Woa, another Porcupine Tree listener? I like their more ambient stuff. I'm a huge ambient head. I like Stars of the Lid, Aphex Twin, etc. Although now I've been listening to some Bloodhound gang enjoying how awesome they are all over again!
  6. I'll have to check that out! Going out to get some alcohol later tonight with the lady. Since the kids are with their mom this weekend, we usually have 1 night where we enjoy drinks and have a lazy night I have long been afraid of dark beers, but lately I've really come to enjoy them. Thanks for the suggestion!
  7. LMAO Had me laughin so loud my dog looked at me sideways.
  8. I voted Intel, simply because it's what I have experience with. They've always ran VERY solidly for me, and performed what I've asked of them flawlessly. I did have an AMD machine at one point, and always felt as if it was just a touch less responsive than I cared for. It only lasted about a year before I upgraded. My vote was COMPLETELY personal opinion, and not based on any sort of 'research on testing', but rather how I've always felt about how they've performed for me personally. That said - I'm in the poor house, and my next build will probably be whatever I can scrounge around for - and most likely won't be for another couple years anyway.
  9. United States (118) Canada (6) Norway (91)
  10. Eff dem redwings! one of my best friends is a redwing fan, we're always going at it! GO BLACKHAWKS!!! That said, I don't follow it too closely. I pay attention every once in a while, or check it out in the sports page if there's one handy, but that's it. I don't follow the games or anything. I just know I love the Blackhawks. Been a fan since I was born, and back in the early Chris Chelios days used to actually watch a lot!
  11. Silvermoon 80 Lock - Neamiah - Destruc / Demo; he's my main raider, we're almost done with ICC... and it's getting painful to be 1 boss away from seeing LK. 80 Rogue - Megghan - Comb. Swords / Mutillate; a 'for fun' character that lived on a pvp server her entire life until I decided I wanted to play her more with people I knew (my raiding guild). I got her moderately 'raid ready' (i.e. full T9, etc) and 'pvp ready' with some decent pvp gear - then I got tired of playing her (again). 80 Druid - Anghlas - Tree / Boomkin; another alt that I have just to have a healer. I'm currently working up a feral set, but probably won't. I actually lucked into this toon also, my buddy was quitting WoW and was going to actually delete all his toons, I talked him into giving me his druid (he was 60 at the time), so I skipped a lot of leveling! Drak'Thul 80 DK - Janae - Frost tank / Blood; just a toon I wanted to have to try tanking and to pwn nubs with. This is the pvp server my rogue used to live on, and I have 1 IRL friend who plays on it - so this toon doesn't see a lot of action. I also have a host of other little mid 30's toons running around on servers everywhere. Lately however, it seems I log on for raids, and that's it. I'm not on any other time. I do that from time to time, ha!
  12. United States (117) Canada (6) Norway (92)
  13. What game is that?
  14. My gf is a teacher, and last year she taught Javascript at the local community college. Cool thing about teachers: they can get most any book for free! Let me know what book it was - she might be able to contact the company & get a free copy for teachers! Heck, I might even have one out in the garage where I keep all my books. I just have too darn many. I have so many I haven't even read yet on subjects I'd like to learn but may never get around to, ha!
  15. I figured I should also add that I too, am a Photoshop junky. Probably not as advanced as some, but I feel like with Photoshop I can hold my own ground against most. Flash? Well, I've done a little here and there, but never played with AS. Just made little things, a website here, a funny/goofy little movie there. I'd like to learn more of it, and learn the AS side, but lately I've been learning some other stuff (Java, HTML/CSS, PHP) so it's taken a back seat as it usually ends up doing.
  16. Well, I'm a homebrewer myself - and so far, of my 4 batches - every one of them has been DELICIOUS. Loads of flavor, and a decent example of each respective style. Of stuff I can buy? I enjoy IPA's mostly, or things with a lot of hop flavor. Hop Rod Rye - Bear Republic - If you can get your hands on this - DO IT. AMAZING beer. Rye IPA that has tons of flavor with a great hops kick! http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/610/3158 Iniquity - Southern Tier - I recently came across this dark IPA, and it's absolutely amazing! The 9%abv sneaks up on you because it has NO alcohol taste at all, and is smooth as silk. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/3818/.../?ba=prototypic Hopslap - Bells - I'll admit - I LOVE hops!! And this is one amazingly hoppy/delicious beer! Not for the weak of heart. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/287/17112 Hop Devil Ale - Victory Brewing - another Hopnasty beer that takes a certain kind of character to enjoy it's insanely hopped up flavor. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/345/1005/ Double Trouble - Founders - Once more, another hopped up beer with a lot of hit. It's got a pretty high ABV so be on the lookout after a few of these... it'll getcha there quick and the flavor will keep you tippin 'em back! http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1199/34146 And I can't forget this one - It's a DARK beer - the opposite of the others I have above really... but it's one of my favorites for SURE! Dragon's Milk - New Holland - Dark with great flavor and a good hit to it. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/335/5428 I recently brewed up 2 batches - one was a Dunkelweisen which turned out REALLY well, although the alcohol content was low in it. That didn't bother me because after letting it sit an extra month or so, the flavor really came out, nice smokey tones with a crispness to it that was good. The other was a Ginger Pale Ale using a recipe my buddy created for me. It turned out really well, but was a touch on the 'sweet' side for me. There's a local ale house not far from me that a buddy and myself go to once in a while. They get tons of hard to get beers in on tap straight from the breweries every once in a while (we go to those release nights for sure!). It's amazing how much absolutely brilliant beer there is all over the country! If any of you are beer nuts and want to trade for more local beers you can't get other places, I'm TOTALLY up for it!
  17. Something else I thought about.... He shaves a lot. If I did that, you'd see me get a big beard, then go clean, grow to a big beard, then go clean, etc. I'm too lazy to shave that much!
  18. Well, At least he's dedicated. It's pretty cool to watch though, I chortled.
  19. Sadly, I still do. I just like to see the end game content, so I log on on raid nights and e-peen my way towards the end of it all.
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