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Goodwin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Goodwin 1st MRB

  1. That square guitar on the guitar player is so offensive it made me instantly hate him with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Bo Diddley just rolled over in his grave, kicked his way out and beat the shit outta that dude.
  3. I can't wait!! This is going to be epicwin.
  4. Throwing with the control of a pitcher or catcher is difficult. Hitting is difficult. Beyond that? No way! Although, at a professional level, I think most sports are more difficult than the players make them look. But I think even I could stand in outfield and kick flowers with the best of them! :-D
  5. Or they could mean the 3845678971 minutes that most outfielders spend standing there picking daisies or the half of the game that the players spend sitting on their asses in a dugout. Hitting the ball is difficult and requires great hand-eye coordination. Making some amazing plays to get to a ball and catch it also requires athleticism and ability but those amazing plays aren't extremely frequent - if they were, there wouldn't be enough highlight reels! Pitchers have to be able to throw with great control. Beyond that there really isn't much to baseball besides standing around, occasionally catching a ball if it comes your way, throwing the ball to your teammate and sitting in the dugout.
  6. For most home users, that's a non-issue IMO. Also, IPv6 has been around for a long time anyway and is supported widely by even old routers with a firmware update. In addition to that, all three major OS support standard IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling. Thus, if you absolutely need to access a web site or internet service which is only accessible through IPv6 there are ways to get it done, regardless of the router. I personally don't feel it is anything to really be considerate of when choosing a new product - because anything made in the past few years or so will be fine with ipv6. So if you're buying something new, odds are it will be ready for ipv6 considering how long it has already been around. Just my $.02!
  7. I've got a linksys E3000 - been great. N-speed for newer stuff around the house - low profile design so I can fit it wherever. It gets warm - perhaps slightly warmer than my rock solid WRT-54G (running DD-WRT of course); So far I haven't had a need to put DD-WRT on it although I'm running into some issues getting my VPN up and going and have been considering making the jump for the simple sake of customizability. It's at a solid price-point - I think I got mine on sale around $60, and the speeds are great all around. Even in the garage I can stream whatever music I want while someone watches something in HD on the flatscreen in the bedroom. The stock firmware seems much more abundant with features than older models and routers I've had from them so it should be ready for just about anything you can throw its way if you don't want to go with the DD-WRT firmware right away. I've had this router for over a year without a hitch (minus the VPN issue, but I think that's more Windows Server 2008 configuration than anything).
  8. The answer is Yes. Yes, I would.
  9. I'm in the gray polo, Kirk in the black overshirt/grey under
  10. Har!! Indeed. The extensive experience I have putting large amounts of meat deep into my body disturbs some. I did not feel great afterwards however. Well played sir, well played.
  11. Har! Thanks guys. It probably won't be filled with as much beer or shenanigans as around this particular time that was photographed, but it will be alright! And for those who don't know - that is a 2lb bacon cheeseburger. Yes I finished mine, and my pickle, and my wifes sundae. I will let Kirk explain what happened to his!
  12. I am amazed at how much Clapton has been mentioned, he didn't make my cut... Jimmy Page Chuck Berry Jack White John Frusciante Tom Morello
  13. Yea, he's a road racer, not a mountain biker.
  14. "You got cash? I got hats..."
  15. Corpse Princess on Netflix. You can thank me later.
  16. IMO - Apple is a masterfully marketed product - but fails to live up to the pricetag every time. The actual hardware they put in their PC's and phones is typically dated (read as: 6 months behind the curve) and is usually not cutting edge, nor has it ever been. But they wrap it in a very sleek looking package and price it for double what similar products are on the market for with similar hardware specs. Although I don't know why their marketing geniuses made an ad talking about how 'round headphones' don't fit the ear so they designed one that does, when their original headphones were round. It's like shooting yourself in the foot... Surprisingly, people eat Apple stuff up. I can't say I'm surprised that much because as I said initially - it's marketed very well. And most consumers are too stupid to give a shit how good their hardware actually is because they only use a small fraction of the capabilities of the product anyway. Then to top it off, you have to play by Apples rules and do things Apples way or their products won't do shit for you. I mean there are competing OS's out there that are proven (Android, Linux) and are FREE - but yet the public continues to pay double the price for Apples proprietary stuff... I really don't get it, but I blame it on lack of education of the public and amazing hype/marketing by Apple. Don't get me wrong, Apple products have their place, but it's such a small niche where they actually, truly belong that all the hype surrounding them is just fluff. But it never ceases to amaze me how people seem to have so much disposable income as to pay double what something is worth, then bitch about being unemployed or not having cash or living paycheck to paycheck. But I digress, I'm moving into another discussion all together. Anyhow - I don't even have a smartphone - but rest assured when I'm forced to make that jump it will be Android. Although I might just not have a cell phone - the rates they charge on data plans and new phone packages are insane! Unlike fast internet, where the prices went down after it was more available, the data charges have gone up and monthly fees have gone up at insane rates! I refuse to buy into a system like that because unlike apparently everyone else, I want value for my money and phone companies simply fail to provide anything close for the insane rates they're charging. I remember paying $35/mo. for my cell phone originally in high school/college. Now that is JUST the cost of approximately 4g of data. Nope, take your insane prices and shove it up your ass phone companies! I'm ranting now like a crazy old man, time to go eat my prunes and take a nap. Time to stop typing.
  17. Hell, yes. That is awesome. That will be perfect for me on those nights when I get tired, but feel like I can't go to bed!! Thanks man!
  18. Go get an Apache Burger and some beers, you deserve that Happy birthday!!
  19. I really want to post some pics of Dobbles that I have, but I won't. He has counter evidence.
  20. Looks like we finally had the same people in our bracket. We're a good wvw server as well (at one point a couple weeks ago we held 100% (yes, everything) in every borderlands). Last week we got our ass kicked for our domination. This week has been a much better pairing but I was JUST in wvw and heard people saying people were 'flying' and this and that. Refreshing to hear what Stone said about the admins. Hopefully they keep on this dilligently.
  21. I haven't hit the 'grinding phase', I have been doing WvW since 45 (ish) and I'm now 62. I haven't seen any of what you're describing - seems odd/weird and reminds me of some of the games from the late 90's (Delta Force 2 - probably one of the best ever FPS to grace this earth) was absolutely ruined by the cheats/hacks. I can't imagine a game like this having the same issues - but I guess people find weird ways to hack anything these days. I also have not heard of people creating new toons on other servers in order to exploit the supplies. But to me that seems like it would never work - you'd be talking about at most, maybe 20-30 people? Supplies are fairly fluent and I have a hard time thinking that even on the high end of 20 people trying to ruin it, that it could cause any serious damage to an entire server in wvw. I think realistically you're going to find much smaller groups of 4-5 people trying that - which makes it even less effective IMO. Because of all the time they're going to be "ruining" your servers supplies, the other team will have that many less players to defend their areas and help out - so it seems like at most it would be a wash of effort. Sounds like you just need to move to a decent wvw server :-D There are a lot of classes that have port abilities - perhaps others are just crying because they aren't quite as capable? Perhaps their computers are junky and they're seeing weird glitches caused by 5 year old graphics drivers and they're seeing people in the sky when they're not, etc. I personally talked to someone who said when his card glitches he doesn't see any water - people are "floating in the air" etc. I haven't had those issues - so I can't say for certain. But I definitely have not heard of the hacks you're talking about - which seem to me that if they were THAT advantageous - you'd have every kiddy on the block trying to get their hands on them.
  22. Eh hem, if I may - I'm on Fort Aspenwood, we've got a great pvp scene and a rather large guild who always has at least 2-3 people WvW'ing and a lot of regular game play as well. Good group! However, Unlike Stone, I do not spend my Karma. Just because the good stuff at level 80 costs a lot (like 20k karma - per item) and that's what I want; so I'm saving. I just find little upgrades here and there and toss them on my toon.
  23. Waaaait just a minute here. This all begs the question - why were yall talkin about the OC to begin with??
  24. Psych is the greatest. My Name is Earl All the Ted Talks (tons and tons of them) Firefly (as others have said) I find myself just picking random things to watch that are science in nature and have found myself getting more than my use out of netflix on a daily basis. I watch it literally, for at least an hour before I fall asleep.
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