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S. Smith

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About S. Smith

  • Birthday 08/28/1993

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    Missouri, USA
  • Interests
    My interests range from PC gaming, to multiple TV Shows.<br /><br />I currently play the following games:<br />L4D2<br />DOD:S<br />CSS:S<br />TF2<br />KF<br />SK<br /><br />I currently watch the following shows:<br />Sons of Anarchy<br />Breaking Bad<br />Boardwalk Empire<br />Burn Notice<br />Dexter<br />Spartacus<br />Falling Skies<br /><br /><br />

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  1. Dafuq did I just watch
  2. Parody's are popping up everywhere!
  3. The Gorilla in the fridge was my favorite. When she first got over the shock of thinking she was being attacked, she shoved the gorilla in an effort to fight back. This can be explained by the psychological choice of Fight/or flight. Without even thinking, her first instinct was to push and try to put the threat back from her. +1
  4. S. Smith

    Romney Girl

    +1 Obama's driving this country into the ground. Social Health Care is nice in theory, but when it requires small businesses to raise their prices, and lay off workers, it cripples the backbone of our country. Papa Johns is a good example of this. Google their latest statement about why they had to raise prices, and how this 'Lovely system of free health care' is taking a toll on their business. I'm not against social healthcare, but I know for a fact the Government makes enough in taxes to pay for it, without requiring businesses to do so. They need to cut all the wasteful spending. They need to have penalties for people abusing their programs. An example of this, is welfare. Every time some low-class citizen decides to have a heap load of Children, the Government pays the bill. States should follow Michigan's lead, and make it so that every time someone has another welfare dependent child, the former dependent child loses their benefits. Currently, the system gives incentive for citizens to have child after child, and plunge our country further into debt. Even if you look at it from a perspective other than finance, the world will soon be overcrowded. Currently the Earth's population is 7.5 or so billion. The earth can only sustain around 11 billion. Parents should only have two children, so they have a neutral population increase. Social Health Care and Welfare are good programs, but only when they are run properly. The current administration isn't running either program properly. They are increasing the deficit at a mind numbing rate, and potentially leading us into a new depression. That is not an administration that is caring for and protecting our nation, and needs to be replaced. As far as a new president is concerned, not much will change. Nearly every politician is dirty, and is driven by money. Large companies and industries such as the Oil companies are the true leadership of this country. Their money buys them sway with every level of Government. We haven't had an incorruptible president since Truman. FIN
  5. My fav is defiance. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/
  6. Friend of a Friend made this video with his buddy's. Shitty song but pretty hilarious.
  7. Holy crap dude, thank you. I heard this song a while ago, but didn't remember the lyrics or the name, but now I have it, thanks. Also, the one in the pink is my fav.
  8. Love the sound of your voice, no homo! :)

  9. I r teh retard of the month. Vote n0w
  10. Happy Birthday dude!

  11. Welcome to the unit! :)

  12. lol vogt, you just now found old greg? It's attached to your rod mother licker!
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