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About Haire

  • Birthday 10/22/1990

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  1. if ud rather not post than steam message me either way works for me
  2. Ok so i havn't been on D.O.D. in three years an because my tags are [6th RB] i cant play in the server, we went through this three years ago and still are what gives? i wont remove my tags just to play in your pub, its not like im comeing in to troll or be a dick hole i am comeing in to play so the need to have my tags removed or i cant play is in my personal opinion uneeded, i still remeber havein this issue before so what is the problem now? please tell me
  3. Pvt. Pubic Haire [1st MRB]: STEAM_0:1:13087553: He cam on and harrased me, then proceeded to change his name to Pvt. Parts [1st MRB] and then continues to harrass and slander me then changed his name again to Pvt. Pubic Haire: Indeffinatly, i feel that impersonating a member of the 1st MRB is uneceptable and then the slandering and un neede slander off my name is uneceptable : No sir?:
  4. wow i wrote that????????? huh sweet lolz,, niace tho
  5. Canadas had a football league for a long time now actually,,, our field is roughly 110 - 120 yards long,, and only got 3 downs,, other than that the games the same just that our players are a littal mor athletically prepared than those of the nfl,, our boy's are not all muscled out there all the size needed for there position on the field and to top it the all train and practice in anothers position for better game play and team work in a game... no offense
  6. Mooe Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada Woooooo but Fuck the Saskatchewan Rough Riders
  7. LMFAO lol cool cool
  8. LOL sorry to say but the Bombers will take it Eskimo's dont have the game and Lions dont got the team XD we will come on top again
  9. The whole reason for this is because there is no CFL topic on here and its a sports talk forum therefore i decided to start one,, If your not familliar with the CFL it is the Canadian Football League. I my-self am a Winnipeg Blue Bombers fan for my own personal reasons,, so please some one that is familliar with the cfl or even some one whoe not come in and represent and talk about your team and or prior/upcoming games. the CFL teams are:: Western division: BC Lions Calgary Stampeders Edmonton Eskimos Saskatchewan Roughriders Eastern Division: Hamilton Tiger-Cats Montreal Alouettes Toronto Argonauts Winnipeg Blue Bombers
  10. Thank you sir
  11. henke_hedberg STEAM_0:1:30410081 : For two round's he has hunted down and killed team members intentionally, at this moment he has 25 tk's: Permanent, as well as if possible have other units asociated with us be aware of his i.d. and actions: Demo Provided?: ??? It would be very helpfull if this matter would be dealt with A.S.A.P. due to the fact he is no in game on a new map. Thank you. K. Haire
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